Improve Albertans' Quality of Life

New Tobacco Reduction Legislation

No Smoking iconAs of January 1, 2008, the Tobacco Reduction Act became law. The new Tobacco Reduction Act further prohibits smoking in public places and workplaces by removing the exception for adult only smoking areas, and by prohibiting smoking within a prescribed distance of a doorway, window or an air intake of public places.


Seasonal Influenza

Minister Hancock rolls up his sleeve for a flu shotInfluenza (the flu) is an infection of the lungs and airways caused by a virus, usually affecting people between November and April.

Find out more about influenza, flu shots, and how to take care of yourself or others sick with the flu.


Nursing Opportunities

If you are a nurse and not currently working in your profession, there are opportunities in Alberta. Additional information on working as a nurse is available.


Programs and Services

Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan

The Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) is a publicly administered and funded health care system that guarantees Albertans receive universal access to medically necessary hospital and medical services. AHCIP forms, information on premium and drug assistance, answers to common questions and more are available.


Regional Health Authorities

Regional health authorities deliver health services in the health regions and work with local communities to deliver health services to residents. Regional health authorities are responsible for hospitals, continuing care facilities, community health services and public health programs in Alberta.