Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

CBSA Common Acronyms


Acronym Meaning
ACI Advance Commercial Information
ACROSS Accelerated Commercial Release Operating Support System
AMPS Administrative Monetary Penalty System
API Advance Passenger Information
ATIP Access to Information and Privacy
AUT Australia Tariff
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Acronym Meaning
BIS Border Information Service
BN Business Number
BPT British Preferential Tariff
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Acronym Meaning
CADEX Customs Automated Data Exchange System
CAED Canadian Automated Export Declaration
CBSA Canada Border Services Agency
CCCT Commonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff
CCD Cargo Control Document
CCFTA Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement
CCI Canada Customs Invoice
CCRFTA Canada-Costa-Rica Free Trade Agreement
CCEPS Commercial Cash Entry Processing System
CCRA Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
CCS Customs Commercial System
CDRP Commercial Driver Registration Program
CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency
CIAT Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff
CIC Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CIFTA Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement
CIRO Courier Imports Remission Order
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CITT Canadian International Trade Tribunal
CMC Customs Mail Centre
CRA Canada Revenue Agency
CRC Casual Refund Center
CSA Customs Self Assessment
CT Chile Tariff
C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
CVD Countervailing Duty
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Acronym Meaning
D-Series (Memos) Directive Series
DAS Detailed Adjustment Statement
DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Acronym Meaning
ECL Export Control List
ECO Exporter's Certificate of Origin
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EIPA Export and Import Permits Act
EXCAPS External Affairs / Foreign Customs Automated Permit System


Acronym Meaning
FAC Firearms Acquisition Certificate
FACan Foreign Affairs Canada
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FAST Free and Secure Trade
FIRST Frequent Importers Release System
F.O.B. Free-on-Board
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Acronym Meaning
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GEP General Export Permit
GIP General Import Permit
GIR(s) General Interpretative Rules
GPT General Preferential Tariff
GST Goods and Service Tax


Acronym Meaning
HS Harmonized System
HST Harmonized Sales Tax


Acronym Meaning
IC Industry Canada
ICL Import Control List
ITCan International Trade Canada
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Acronym Meaning
LDCT Least Developed Country Treatment
LVS Low Value Shipment


Acronym Meaning
MFN Most Favoured Nation Tariff
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MT Mexico Tariff
MUST Mexico-United States Tariff


Acronym Meaning
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NCR National Customs Ruling/Advanced Ruling
NZT New Zealand Tariff
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Acronym Meaning
OAS Organization of American States
OGD(s) Other Government Departments
OIC Order in Council


Acronym Meaning
PARS Pre-arrival Review System
PIRO Postal Imports Remission Order
PST Provincial Sales Tax


Acronym Meaning
QST Quebec Sales Tax


Acronym Meaning
RIV Registrar of Imported Vehicles
RMD Release on Minimum Documentation
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Acronym Meaning
SIMA Special Import Measures Act
SME Small and medium enterprise(s)


Acronym Meaning
TC Transport Canada
TRQ(s) Tariff Rate Quota(s)
TRS Technical Reference System


Acronym Meaning
UST United States Tariff


Acronym Meaning
VFD Value for Duty
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Acronym Meaning
WCO World Customs Organization
WTO World Trade Organization