FCC and 4-H

A 20 year partnership

The partnership between FCC and 4-H has been thriving for two decades. 4-H is North America’s largest service organization for youth living in rural communities. FCC is Canada's largest provider of business and financial services to farms and agribusiness. With both organizations committed to communities, rural living and agriculture, it’s a match made in heaven.

In 1996, the partnership took another step forward with the FCC 4-H scholarship program. The program awarded ten 4-H members, one from each province, with a scholarship to further their post-secondary education. Successful applicants submitted ideas to better their community. One national winner was chosen, and FCC funds were provided to implement the idea.

To replace the scholarship program, FCC expanded its commitment to 4-H in 2006 by committing $600,000 over four years.

Together, 4-H and FCC are striving to make life better in rural communities.

