• When you are breathless (or short of breath), you have the impression that you are not inhaling enough air.
  • Temporary breathlessness after moderate exercise is normal, depending on your level of fitness. However, breathlessness that occurs during normal activities warrants attention.
  • Breathlessness may be caused by problems related to the lungs or respiratory tract, the heart, the blood (anaemia), the digestive tract (discomfort caused by bloating), or by psychological problems.

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When to consult a physician

You should consult a physician IMMEDIATELY if:

  • you are breathless even when resting or making a limited effort
  • breathlessness is accompanied by:
    • fever or unusual coughing
    • chest pain when you inhale
    • laboured breathing
    • swelling of the face or throat
    • itching or a burning sensation on the skin

You should consult a physician AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, at your convenience, if:

  • the breathlessness seems to worsen
  • you wake up breathless at night
  • your ankles start to swell
  • you experience abnormal fatigue

You should consult a physician FAIRLY SOON if you:

  • become breathless more readily than previously when engaging in the same type of activity
  • have a chronic cough or discharge matter from the throat or lungs every day by coughing or hawking and spitting, you may have a chronic respiratory problem. If so, consult your physician regularly.

If you still have concerns or if you wish to obtain more information, contact Info-Santé. For a directory (in French) of Info-Santé telephone numbers, click here.

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  • Rest helps to reduce the impression of breathlessness stemming from overwork.
  • Adopt a comfortable position, such as sitting leaning slightly forward, which can greatly help to reduce breathing difficulty.
  • If breathlessness appears to be linked to poor physical condition, resume physical activity very gradually on the advice of your physician.
  • If you smoke, you can get help to kick the habit before you experience more serious lung problems.

Last modification: 2008-01-17
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