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The Outlet Mini Movie Challenge

Turn your classroom into a real live movie studio! No, it's not a fantasy – it's The Outlet's Mini Movie Challenge!!!

Quiet on the set! How do I enter?
Get a bunch of classmates together and make a movie. It can be live action, stop motion, animation, claymation, whatever you like. Just keep it under 4 minutes and less than 20 MB. Once your cinematic masterpiece is finished, upload it to The Outlet website.

Take one…details.
The contest is open to students in grades 5 to 8. The deadline for all entries has been extended to January 7th, 2008.
Cut to…prizes.
You and your class have a chance to win a moviemaking workshop by The Director’s Cut. Imagine…you may get to use that clapboard slate thingy and yell, “Scene five, take eighty-two!”

And the winner is…
A panel of judges will choose the grand-prize winner based on creativity, originality, quality – you know, all that good stuff. But the panel will also take into consideration the movies that receive the most online votes in the Mini Movie Challenge gallery.

Wait! There’s more.
The winner will be shown on TV on CBC’s The Outlet January 12th. Winners will be announced online January 8th, 2008.

Now go gather a crew together and start filming. That’s a wrap, people!

Click here for the Rules and Regulations.
Submit Here

The maximum file size for your video is 20 MB. Remember that if you make your video frame size 320 x 240 it will be much easier to keep the file size smaller.

Accepted file formats are .avi, .mov, .mpg, .mpeg and .wmv

Click "browse" to select the video file, or type the path to the file in the box below.

The Outlet Mini-Movie Challenge