A Safe Investment

Investing in FCC is a safe way to invest your money. Not only is FCC Canada’s largest agricultural lender with a portfolio of more than $11 billion, we’re also a federal Crown corporation. So your investment dollars are considered obligations of the Government of Canada, no matter how much you invest (there’s no maximum). See for yourself…FCC Bonds.

Thumbs up from Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s
To add even more confidence to your investment decision, the world’s leading credit rating agencies, Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s, rate FCC Canadian dollar liabilities at AAA and Aaa respectively. Those are pretty solid, wouldn’t you say?

The contents above are for informational purposes only and are not a solicitation or a recommendation that any particular investor should purchase or sell any particular investment product. FCC does not assess or make recommendations on the suitability or the potential value of any particular investment. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice. Investors are encouraged to consult with their own investment, financial or legal counsel before making any investment.