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  Contents    Registered Identification Number Database

A registered identification number or RN is a number issued by the Federal Trade Commission, upon request, to a business residing in the U.S. that is engaged in the manufacture, importing, distribution, or sale of textile, wool, or fur products. Such businesses are not required to have RNs. They may, however, use the RN in place of a name on the label or tag that is required to be affixed to these products.

Please note: Some of the information in this directory may be out of date. It reflects the information provided to the Commission on the original RN application or the most recent update. However, businesses may have moved, changed their name, or gone out of business without informing the Commission. The Commission hopes that placing the directory on its web site will encourage RN holders to check the information and UPDATE it, if necessary. At some time in the future, the Commission may cancel numbers that appear to be no longer in use or do not reflect accurate identifying information.

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2006