Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Frequently asked questions:
The refugee system

Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program

Who makes the final decision on whether a refugee is eligible for resettlement?

An officer at a Canadian visa office abroad makes the final decision on whether a person is eligible under one of the three classes of the Refugee and Humanitarian Resettlement Program.

The decision is based on:

  • supporting documents submitted by the refugee applicant and the sponsoring group
  • additional information available to the officer (such as conditions in the country the refugee is fleeing) and/or
  • an interview with the applicant.

To be accepted for resettlement in Canada, the refugee must also pass medical and security checks. In addition, refugees will be assessed based on their ability to establish themselves successfully in Canada. The visa officer will consider whether the refugee has relatives or a sponsor in Canada, is able to learn to speak English or French, and has the potential for employment. When a family unit is applying, these factors are assessed for the family as a unit.

In some cases, the visa officer may determine that refugees are in urgent need of protection, in which case they are not assessed on their ability to establish themselves in Canada.