Programs and Services

2006 CAIS Calculator

The CAIS Calculator is a tool to help you estimate your benefits under the CAIS program.

While AAFC has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the CAIS calculator, including a review by an independent third party, the accuracy of the estimate will depend on how closely the information provided here matches the information ultimately used by the Administration to calculate your CAIS benefits. This is not an official calculation of program benefits.

It is important to note that the CAIS Calculator does not reflect adjustments that may be necessary in some situations, such as:

If any of these situations apply to your operation, the estimate of program benefits using the CAIS Calculator could vary from your actual calculated CAIS benefit. AAFC is continually developing new enhancements for the Web calculator, including expansion to accommodate the situations listed above.

Except for situations such as those noted above, the CAIS calculator provides a dependable estimate of your CAIS benefits. Independent testing by a national chartered accounting firm has confirmed that, if the information used to generate your Calculation of Program Benefits (COB) is the same as the information used in the Web calculator, the benefit calculated will also be the same.

Please note: The Structure Change portion of the calculator includes several, but not all commodity groups and baskets. Updates will be made on an ongoing basis as information becomes available. If your operation’s structure commodity group is not included in the calculator, your estimated government benefit will be based on your unadjusted reference margin.

Who can use this calculator…

The CAIS Calculator can be used to estimate CAIS benefits for a single farming operation for the 2006 program year.

Before you begin…

Please have the following documents with you:

Tips for using the calculator …

Computer inactivity exceeding 30 minutes will result in the necessity to begin again.

“Start Over” - deletes all entries and returns you to the first entry.

“Previous” - returns you to the previous window/windows without loss of information.

“Next” - takes you to the next window.

Links to “Help” menu, Instructions, Program Price List, Basket listings have been made available.

Periodic updates to this calculator will be made.

Need Help?

Clicking on the Help icons - - will open a window which will provide more information about the specific item they are next to.

An estimate is not a guarantee …

The results generated by this on-line calculator are not a guarantee of potential program benefits. The Government of Canada, Provinces and Territories do not guarantee the accuracy of the results generated by this calculator.

The information you enter for this on-line calculator is used solely to estimate CAIS program benefits. The on-line calculator does not identify you, and AAFC cannot access or retain the information you enter.


The CAIS program is delivered in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Yukon by the federal government. The information on this website refers to deadlines and other delivery details for these provinces only.

If you are in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, or Prince Edward Island, the CAIS program is delivered provincially. Please click on your respective province to be linked to the provincial administration.