Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

National Child Benefit

The National Child Benefit

The National Child Benefit is a joint initiative of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments that will:

  • help prevent and reduce the depth of child poverty;
  • promote attachment to the workforce by ensuring that families will always be better off as a result of working; and
  • reduce overlap and duplication of government programs and services.

In July 1998, the Government of Canada enhanced the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) by introducing the National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS). This supplement is the federal government's contribution to the National Child Benefit initiative. 

The pamphlet entitled Canada Child Benefits contains more information about the National Child Benefit Supplement.

For more information on the National Child Benefit initiative, visit The National Child Benefit web site or the Social Union web site.

Use My Account to view specific payment and balance information related to your Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), GST/HST credit and related provincial and territorial programs