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Canadian Participation at the
XIV International AIDS Conference
Barcelona, Spain
July 7-12, 2002

Prepared by: International Affairs Directorate,
Health Policy and Communications Branch, Health Canada

This calendar has been prepared by the International Affairs Directorate, Health Canada to provide information on the participation of Canadian individuals and organizations in the XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 7-12, 2002, and its satellite events. The calendar has been compiled based on information submitted by Canadians across the country who responded to a call letter that was widely distributed.

At the beginning of the calendar, there is a list of Canadian organizations that will have booths at the conference. Then, the calendar is organized by day. For each day, information has been provided on oral presentations by Canadians, and on skills building workshops and satellite meetings organized in whole or in part by Canadians. In the Annex, information has been provided on poster presentations and poster displays by Canadians. Due to space constraints, we have not provided the full list of sponsors/organizers for some of the skills building workshops and satellite meetings.


Canada Booth

The Canada Booth is being co-ordinated by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse, Canadian Public Health Association on behalf of Health Canada and its partners in the Canadian Strategy for HIV/AIDS, and of the Canadian International Development Agency. Booth Number A2

International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)
Booth Number 5 (NGO Village)

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Booth Number 73 (NGO Village)


Satellite Meetings

Putting Third First: Vaccines, Access to Treatment & The Law
Co-organized by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, the AIDS Law Project (South Africa) and the Lawyers Collective HIV/AIDS Unit (India). Co-hosted by UNAIDS.
Time: 08:00-18:00 (reception to follow 18:00-19:30)
Location: Barceló Hotel Sants, Plaça dels Països Catalans s/n
Description: This unofficial satellite meeting will discuss two issues in substantial depth: HIV Vaccines (strategies to mobilize greater support for vaccine development and to facilitate the widest possible access to HIV vaccines); and Access to Treatment (strategies for using the law to advance access to treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS in developing countries).
Registration: Limited to 100 participants. Registration fee: CAN$ 100.00 (can be waived on request for persons living with HIV/AIDS and those from developing countries).
Contact: Glen Bugg at 514 397 6828 x226, email:



Satellite Meetings

AIDS Vaccines for the World
Co-sponsored by the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and the International Affairs Directorate of Health Canada. Co-organized by the Canadian International Development Agency and the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations.
Time: 08:30-17:30
Location: Hotel Arts
Description: This is the first ever one-day satellite meeting at the International AIDS Conferences to focus exclusively on AIDS vaccines. Community/NGO representatives, researchers, policy makers, health care providers, industry representatives, journalists, and individuals interested in AIDS vaccines are all invited to attend.
Registration: Registration is free, but space is limited. The registration form is available on the website of IAVI at
Contact: Craig McClure at


Satellite Meetings

Global Research Network on HIV Prevention in Drug Using Populations
Co-sponsored by Health Canada and the Global Research Network.
Time: 09:00-13:00
Location: Hall 2A
Description: This satellite meeting will introduce participants to the Global Research Network and will highlight four major areas: (1) new developments in global epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and drug use; (2) injecting drug use as a major multiplier of HIV infection to the general population; (3) evidence for action; and (4) examples of effective intervention approaches.
Registration: Free and open to anyone.
Contact: Dr. Donald Sutherland at 613 957-1777,

Gender and HIV/AIDS: Bringing Men and Women Together (An Interactive Workshop)
Organized by the Atlantic Centre for Excellence for Women's Health. Co-sponsored by Health Canada and the Canadian International Development Agency.
Time: 14:00-16:00
Location: Hall 2A
Description: The purpose of this meeting is to strengthen the international network of stakeholders and to inform future directions for the development of a curriculum for an International Institute on Gender Management and HIV/AIDS.
Registration: Free, but space will be limited. Contact Aideen Reynolds (see below).
Contact: Aideen Reynolds at 902 470-7790, email:

Utilizing Twinning Initiatives to Enhance the Transfer of Knowledge, Skills, Capacity in the Public, NGO and Private Sectors
Co-sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency, the Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development, the Canadian Society for International Health and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
Time: 17:00-19:00
Location: Hall 2:5
Description: This satellite meeting will focus on Canadian experiences in developing international twinning programs. It will feature presentations by people involved in twinning programs in NGOs, municipalities and the private sector.
Registration: TBA
Contact: Sandra Black at 819 997-4872, email:



Oral Presentations

Topic: Establishing safe injection facilities in Canada: legal and ethical issues
Presenter: Richard Elliott, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Track and Session: G03 Harm Reduction and Policy Implications
Time: 16:00-17:30
Location: Hall 2:2
Abstract No.: MoOrG1123

Skills Building Workshops

Gaining Access to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: Understanding the Co-Ordinated Country Mechanism
Organized by the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations.
Session No.: SB 17
Time: 14:30-17:30
Location: Room 5:5A
Description: This interactive workshop will discuss lessons learned from the first round of the Global Fund, and procedures for the next round of funding proposals. It will also look at what is involved in participating in the coordinated country mechanism (CCM). NGO representatives on the Board of the Global Fund will be in attendance.
Contact: Tanya Jewell at 416 340-8484 x250, email:

Satellite Meetings

Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS: Who, Why and How?
Sponsored by Oxfam International.
Time: 18:00-20:00
Location: TBA
Description: Oxfam Canada is one of six Oxfam affiliates organizing this satellite meeting, which will feature presentations and interactive discussions on the urgency and importance of mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into organizational policies, practices and development programs.
Registration: Free and open to anyone.
Contact: Jim MacKinnon at 613 237-1698 x216, email:

Canada Cocktail Reception

Time: 18:00-20:00
Location: Gaudi Room / Hotel Arts, Carrer de la Marina 19-21
Description: Following the tradition of international conferences, the Government of Canada will once again be hosting a cocktail reception for all Canadian participants in the XIV International AIDS Conference. The Honourable Susan Whelan, Minister for International Cooperation, will deliver the opening address, followed by a reception during which we can all relax and enjoy Barcelona's fine food and drink. We invite all Canadian delegates, exhibitors, NGOs and project officers to attend. Check at the Canada Booth about transportation. We look forward to seeing you there!



Oral Presentations

Topic: Heterosexual transmission of HIV from injecting drug users to non-users: using surveillance data to estimate the magnitude
Presenter: Chris Archibald, Health Canada
Track and Session: SyC02 Population Bridging of HIV: Have Epidemics in IDU Led to Self-Sustaining Epidemics in Heterosexuals?
Time: 14:00-15:00
Location: Hall 2:4
Abstract No.: TuOrC1220a

Intermittent use of triple combination therapy and not non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor use is predictive of mortality among persons initiating antiretroviral therapy in a population-based setting
Presenter: Robert Hogg, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Track and Session: B05 When Should You Start ARV Therapy?
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 2:1
Abstract No.: TuOrB1142

Mandatory HIV testing in the military
Presenter: Ralf Jürgens, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Track and Session: G04 Using the Law to Advance Human Rights in AIDS
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 2:2
Abstract No.: TuOrG1172

Topic: Reviewing programming on HIV/AIDS, human rights and development
Presenter: David Patterson, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Track and Session: G04 Using the Law to Advance Human Rights in AIDS
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 2:2
Abstract No.: TuOrG1168

Topic: Reconsidering condom use: what MSM are saying about delayed application of condoms. Results of Polaris HIV Seroconversion Study
Presenter: Liviana Calzavara, University of Toronto
Track and Session: D05 Behavioural and Psychological Risk Factors Among MSM
Time: 14:00-15:30
Location: Hall 2:3
Abstract No.: TuOrD1197

Skills Building Workshops

Population Health Analysis: Everything You Wanted to Know About Measures Outcomes But Were Too Afraid to Ask
Organized by Kim Balfour and Warren O'Briain, AIDS Vancouver.
Session No.: SB 25
Time: 10:30-13:30
Location: Room 5:5A
Description: This workshop is about how to define, measure and report success in achieving intended health results (outcomes) at the population level. It will focus on how to expand the range of outcomes to include the social determinants of health, and how to measure the achievement of these broader outcomes.
Contact: Warren O'Briain at 604 893-2231, email:


Telling Your Story, How to Decide: PLWHAs in Education and Advocacy
Organized by Shari Margolese, Canadian Treatment Action Council and Anuar Luna, Red Mexicana de Personas que viven con el VIH/SIDA.
Session No.: SB 37
Time: 14:30-17:30
Location: Room 5:8
Description: The objective of this interactive workshop is to increase involvement of PLWHAs in education and advocacy, and to equip people with HIV to make decisions about whether to tell their stories and what to tell. The target audiences are people with HIV, educators, advocates and people working in prevention or support.
Contact: Shari Margolese at 416 410-6538, email:

Satellite Meetings

Accessing HIV Care and Treatment: Success Stories from Communities Around the World
Co-sponsored by the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations and Positive Action.
Time: 18:00-21:00
Location: Verdi Room (Hotel Fira)
Description: This satellite session will explore ways in which infrastructure may block or facilitate access to HIV care, treatment and support. Examples from the lived experiences of people with HIV from 14 countries will be presented.
Registration: Free and open to anyone.
Contact: Mary Ann Torres at 416 340-8484 x22, email:

Citizen Engaged Policy in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS
Sponsored by Health Canada.
Time: 18:00-20:00
Location: Hall 2C
Description: The primary objective of this session is to share with a wider audience the experiences of policy/program development in Canada, Uganda, Brazil and Australia. Links will be made to the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment. The session will challenge both governments and citizens to re-think the ways policies and programs are developed.
Registration: Free and open to anyone.
Contact: Michael McCulloch at 613 946-8110, email:


Mobile Populations: Promoting Rights and Civil Society to Reduce Vulnerability to HIV
Sponsored by CARE International.
Time: 20:00-22:00
Location: TBA
Description: CARE USA, CARE Canada and CARE France are hosting this satellite meeting, during which senior field staff from Asia and Africa will discuss their hands-on experience designing and implementing programs addressing HIV/AIDS among mobile and other highly vulnerable populations. Moderator: Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS.
Registration: TBA
Contact: Tristan DelCanto, CARE USA at 404 979-9444, email:


Oral Presentations

Topic: Conduct of the first phase III efficacy trial of a preventive HIV-1 vaccine and (AIDSVAX® B/B) in North America and Europe
Presenter: Clayton Harro, John Hopkins University (Canadian author: Vladimir Popovic, VaxGen)
Track and Session: D02 Vaccine Trials
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Verdi Room (Hotel Fira)
Abstract No.: WeOrD1299

Topic: Declining sexual transmitted disease and HIV prevalence among antenatal clinic (ANC) attenders in Nairobi, Kenya from 1992-2001
Presenter: Stephen Moses, University of Manitoba
Track and Session: C07 Surveillance in Resource Poor Settings
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 1:3
Abstract No.: WeOrC1272

Topic: The HIV-1 tat protein can promote both the first strand transfer in reverse transcription and annealing of tRNA<SUP>Lys3</SUP> onto the primer-binding site (PBS)
Presenter: Mark Wainberg, McGill University


Track and Session: A07 Role of Accessory Genes
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 1:1
Abstract No.: WeOrA1259

Topic: Science, implications, epidemiological monitoring
Presenter: Bill Cameron, University of Ottawa
Track and Session: Prevention and Treatment: Star-Crossed Lovers? (bridging session)
Time: 14:00-15:30
Location: Hall 1:2

Topic: Preserved mitochondrial/nuclear (mt/n) DNA ratios in peripheral blood cells from HIV-infected individuals on stavudine-sparing regimens
Presenter: Hélène Côté, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Track and Session: B09 Emerging Toxicity of Antiretroviral Therapy
Time: 14:00-15:30
Location: Hall 2:1
Abstract No.: WeOrB1304

Topic: Vulnerability of men who have sex with men in disclosing HIV-positive status to sexual partners and significant others: need for support and assistance in disclosure decision-making
Presenter: Wendy Medved, University of Toronto
Track and Session: F09 Psychological Support Issues in Prevention and Care
Time: 14:00-15:30
Location: Hall 5:7
Abstract No.: WeOrF1330

Skills Building Workshops

Gaining Access to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: Understanding the Co-Ordinated Country Mechanism
Organized by the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations.
Session No.: SB 49
Time: 14:30-17:30
Location: Room 2:B
This is the Spanish-language version of the workshop given on Monday, July 8.


Oral Presentations

Topic: Breaking the silence: an HIV-related educational intervention for final year medical students
Presenter: Stan Houston, University of Alberta
Track and Session: F11 Caring for Caregivers
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 5:7
Abstract No.: ThOrF1410


Topic: Chile's informal market for antiretrovirals (ARV): features, challenges and lessons for optimal regulation
Presenter: Cristian Morales, GRIS-UdeM/CMIS-Ste-Justine
Track and Session: SyE03 Toward a Political Economy of Access
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 2:4
Abstract No.: ThOrE1423

Topic: Predictors of HIV transmission among street youth
Presenter: Élise Roy, Montreal Regional Public Health
Track and Session: C10 Determinants of HIV Infection Among IDUs
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 1:3
Abstract No.: ThOrC1391

Topic: Increasing access to medical treatment for HIV-positive staff of AIDS non-governmental organizations in developing countries
Presenter: David Patterson, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Track and Session: F11 Caring for Caregivers
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 5:7
Abstract No.: ThOrF1409

Topic: Intensive injection cocaine use as a primary risk factor for HIV seroconversion in a cohort of poly-drug users in Vancouver, Canada
Presenter: Mark Tyndall, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Track and Session: C10 Determinants of HIV Infection Among IDUs
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Hall 1:3
Abstract No.: ThOrC1394

Topic: Survival of perinatally HIV-infected children in Canada
Presenter: Susan King, Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto)
Track and Session: C11 Morbidity and Mortality Patterns in the HAART Era
Time: 14:00-15:30
Location: Hall 1:3
Abstract No.: ThOrC1447

Topic: Reflections on the concept of HIV treatment optimism by young gay men (YGM) in the context of rising HIV incidence in Vancouver
Presenter: Mary Lou Miller, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Track and Session: D11 Effects of HIV Treatment (ART) on HIV Prevention
Time: 14:00-15:30
Location: Hall 2:3
Abstract No.: ThOrD1454

Skills Building Workshops

How to Select, Evaluate and Maintain the Correct CD4 T-Cell Counting Method for Your HIV/AIDS Treatment Clinic
Organized by Frank Mandy, Health Canada; M. Bergeron, Canada; and Emma Fernandez, University of Puerto Rico.
Session No.: SB 68
Time: 14:30-17:30
Room 2:B
Description: The objectives of this session are to empower scientists to make the most appropriate method selection for resource poor regions; and to empower the attendees to facilitate regional skills building workshops on diagnostic testing.
Contact: Frank Mandy at 613 957-0174, email:


Satellite Meetings

UNGASS: Knowledge, Commitment and Action
Sponsored by the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations.
Time: 18:00-21:00
Location: Hall 2C
Description: This meeting will explore the strategies that UNAIDS, NGOs and governments are using to promote the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and to implement its commitments. The meeting will feature panel presentations and an interactive discussion.
Registration: Free and open to anyone.
Contact: Mary Ann Torres at 416 340-8484 x221, email:

Vaccine Community Meeting
Sponsored by the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition, the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, UNAIDS, and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
Time: 18:00-20:00
Location: Hall 2B
Description: This meeting is designed to bring together community-based individuals and groups from many countries to discuss common concerns and priorities on AIDS vaccine development, testing and access. The meeting will identify areas where community members can work together collaboratively over the coming years. Formal presentations will be limited; most of the meeting will be dedicated to group discussion.
Registration: Free and open to anyone. Space may be limited.
Contact: Sophia Mukasa Monico at 416 340-8484 x282, email:


As part of the Rauxa Cultural Program, Care Canada and PhotoSensitive, a group of distinguished Canadian photojournalists, will be exhibiting a photo display entitled, "HIV Positive: AIDS Through a New Lense." The display highlights Canadian-assisted AIDS work in Zambia.


Monday, July 8th

Topic: Correlation of CTL diversification with clinical and lab parameters of AIDS progression in DNA/ MVA vaccinated macaques
Presenter: Kelly MacDonald, University of Toronto
Session: PpA01 HIV Vaccines
Time: 12:30-13:30
Location: Palacio 4 - A Corner
Abstract No.: MoPpA2002
Topic: The Montreal model: public health and people with HIV/AIDS who do not take precautions
Primary Author: Alix Adrien, McGill University
Abstract No.: MoPeF3904

HIV incidence and associated risk factors among men who have sex with men in Montreal
Primary Author: Michel Alary, Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec
Abstract No.: MoPeC3435

Topic: Cocaine injection in long-term injection drug users (IDU) and persistent high HIV incidence among Canadian IDU
Primary Author: Michel Alary, Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec
Abstract No.: MoPeC3386


Topic: HIV+/AIDS patients who leave hospital against medical advice to return to low income neighborhoods are twice as likely to be readmitted
Primary Author: Aslam Anis, Canadian HIV Trials Network
Abstract No.: MoPeB3168

Topic: The quality of life of Montreal injection drug users: a pursuit towards more effective public health programming
Primary Author: Susan Brogly, McGill University
Abstract No.: MoPeC3404

Topic: Safe sexual behaviour with casual partners following HIV-positive diagnosis among men who have sex with men (MSM): results from the Polaris HIV Seroconversion Study
Primary Author: Ann Burchell, University of Toronto
Abstract No.: MoPeC3442

Topic: Evaluation of a theoretically-based AIDS/STD peer education program on postponing sexual intercourse and condom use among adolescents attending high school
Primary Author: Françoise Caron, Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie
Abstract No: MoPeD3597

High-risk sexual behaviour among men who have sex with men (MSM) in two Canadian cohorts: implications for intervention
Primary Author: Keith Chan, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: MoPeC3445

Topic: Bye, bye, secrets: playing with children affected by HIV/AIDS
Primary Author: Shelane Donoghue, The Teresa Group
Abstract No.: MoPeF4083

Topic: Participation and rigour: The keys to a successful evaluation
Primary Author: Geoffrey Cole, Health Canada
Abstract No.: MoPeG4324

Building engagement in performance monitoring for a national HIV/AIDS strategy
Primary Author: Fernand Comeau, Health Canada
Abstract No.: MoPeG4323


Topic: HIV treatment optimism among gay men: An international comparison
Primary Author: Kevin Craib, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: MoPeD3672

Topic: Combating a global pandemic - a community-based response
Primary Author: Le-Ann Dolan, AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Abstract No.: MoPeG4182

Topic: Dental reflections: oral management in HIV infection - the mouth mirror signals changes in HIV disease progression
Primary Author: Susan Fletcher, McGill University
Abstract No.: MoPeB3282

Topic: Microbicide advocacy and mobilization: three models from the global north
Primary Author: Anna Forbes, Global Campaign for Microbicides
Abstract No.: MoPeG4270

Topic: Are women getting what they need? Access to HIV information in prenatal context
Primary Author: Jacqueline Gahagan, Atlantic Centre for Excellence for Women's Health
Abstract No.: MoPeF3854

Topic: Patient support and education for promoting adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS: a systematic review of controlled trials
Primary Author: Richard H. Glazier, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto
Abstract No.: MoPeB3215

Topic: Sustaining talk: a case study of community based prevention work and the promotion of interpersonal communication
Primary Author: Thomas Haig, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Abstract No.: MoPeF3989

Topic: Launching and sustaining the new Canadian strategy on HIV/AIDS - successes, challenges and lessons learned
Primary Author: David Hoe, Health Canada
Abstract No.: MoPeG4322

Topic: A survey of prison systems responses to HIV/AIDS
Primary Author: Ralf Jürgens, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Abstract No.: MoPeE3799

Topic: Focusing on common experiences to promote effective health education for Spanish-speaking migrants living in Canada
Primary Author: Enrique Lopez, AIDS Vancouver
Abstract No.: MoPeF3932

Topic: Alloimmunization and immune response of simian macaques in an SIV challenge trial
Primary Author: Mark Luscher, University Health Network (Toronto)
Abstract No.: MoPeA3072

Topic: HIV incidence among men who have sex with men (MSM) undergoing repeat diagnostic HIV testing in Ontario, Canada: has the increase subsided?
Primary Author: Carol Major, University of Toronto


Abstract No.: MoPeC3444

Topic: The presence, breadth, and magnitude of HIV-specific CD8+ responses in HIV exposed seronegative subjects are unaffected by the route of exposure
Primary Author: George Makedonas, McGill University Health Centre
Abstract No.: MoPeA3082

Topic: Participant-driven advisory boards: How the Vaccine Trial Advisory Board (VTAB) in Vancouver, BC, is a model of empowerment and local action in research
Primary Author: Nancy McLean, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: MoPeD3642

Topic: Risk factors for HIV and HCV prevalence and incidence among young injection drug users in a city coping with an epidemic
Primary Author: Cari Miller, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: MoPeC3392

Topic: Socio-demographic characteristics and responses to antiretroviral therapy among indigenous participants in a population-based program
Primary Author: Cari Miller, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: MoPeB3257

Topic: Accidents and application: prevalence and explanations of condom failure and partial condom use reported by men who have sex with men
Primary Author: Ted Myers, University of Toronto
Abstract No.: MoPeD3637

Topic: Prevention material for urban Aboriginal people
Primary Author: Alana-Dawn Philips, Native Friendship Centre of Montreal
Abstract No.: MoPeF3918

Topic: Predictors of HIV seroconversion among young men who have sex with men in Canada
Primary Author: Magdalena Piaseczna, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: MoPeC3440

Topic: Psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Quality of Life Questionnaire for Persons Infected with HIV or with AIDS in a cohort of HIV-infected women
Primary Author: Valencia Remple, B.C. Centre for Disease Control
Abstract No.: MoPeC3347

Topic: Mucosal immunization with inactivated gp120-depleted HIV-1 plus CpG ODN induces potent immune responses in the genital tract and protection against intravaginal challenge
Primary Author: Ken Rosenthal, McMaster University
Abstract No.: MoPeA3070

Topic: Training priorities to respond to rapid spread of HIV in low prevalence regions: Russian AIDS Training and Community Development Project
Primary Author: Vinay P. Saldanha


Abstract No.: MoPeG4124

Topic: Establishing multi-sectoral partnerships to confront the spread of HIV: The Russian HIV Response Network
Primary Author: Vinay P. Saldanha
Abstract No.: MoPeG4255

The HIV-infected traveller
Primary Author: Irving Salit, Toronto General Hospital
Abstract No.: MoPeB3149

Topic: Fighting against AIDS in West Africa: The AIDS 2 Project
Primary Author: Julio Soto, Centre de coopération internationale en santé et développement
Abstract No.: MoPeF4002

Topic: Responsiveness of a national strategy through public accountability systems
Primary Author: Steven Sternthal, Health Canada
Abstract No.: MoPeG4326

Topic: A model for preparing a national strategy for HIV vaccine delivery
Primary Author: David Thompson, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Abstract No.: MoPeG4200

Topic: Situation of HIV/AIDS and human rights in prisoners: 4 case studies: Brazil, Columbia, Uruguay and Venezuela
Primary Author: Mary Ann Torres, International Council of AIDS Service Organizations
Abstract No.: MoPeE3772

Topic: HIV risk profile of crystal methamphetamine users in a cohort of young men who have sex with men
Primary Author: Amy Weber, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: MoPeC3444


Tuesday, July 9th

Topic: HIV+/AIDS patients living in poorer neighborhoods have higher hospitalization costs
Primary Author: Aslam Anis, Canadian HIV Trials Network
Abstract No.: TuPeE5133

Topic: Preventive HIV vaccines: advancing global research and future access
Primary Author: Sam Avrett, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Abstract No.: TuPeG5588

Topic: Evaluating the effectiveness of genotypic resistance testing in routine practice
Primary Author: Ahmed Bayoumi, Ontario HIV Treatment Network
Abstract No.: TuPeC4767

Topic: Band-aids will not fix a broken drug review process: the Canadian experience
Primary Author: Louise Binder, Canadian Treatment Action Council
Abstract No.: TuPeG5541

Topic: Prescription for prevention: a collaboration between pharmacies and injection drug users to deliver safer injection information
Primary Author: Daryn Bond, Kali Shiva AIDS Services
Abstract No.: TuPeF5170

Topic: The UNAIDS Drug Access Initiative (UDAI) in Chile: an international experimental project or a national program?
Primary Author: Astrid Brousselle, Université de Montréal
Abstract No.: TuPeE5076

Topic: Evaluation of possible bias due to truncation of annual HIV incidence estimates among persons undergoing repeat diagnostic testing
Primary Author: Ann Burchell, University of Toronto
Abstract No.: TuPeC4874

Topic: HOPE (Holding On Thru Peer Education) theatre troupe addressing education/prevention for youth through forum based theatre
Primary Author: Ligaya Byrch, AIDS Committee of Simcoe County
Abstract No.: TuPeF5329

Topic: Trans-ß-Carotene and retinoids can effect human cytochrome P450 3A4-mediated metabolism
Primary Author: Brian Foster, Health Canada
Abstract No.: TuPeB4564

Topic: The role of an AIDS service organization within Aboriginal communities
Primary Author: Laurie Fownes, AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Abstract No.: TuPeF5472


Topic: All or nothing? Antiretroviral therapy and disability pension benefits
Primary Author: Jacqueline Gahagan, Atlantic Centre for Excellence for Women's Health
Abstract No.: TuPeG5437

Topic: Data management and monitoring of trial conduct in the first phase III efficacy trial of a preventive HIV-1 vaccine (AIDSVAX® B/B) in North America and Europe.
Primary Author: V. Gulati, VaxGen (Canadian author: Vladimir Popovic, VaxGen)
Abstract No.: TuPeC4777

Topic: Preventing the automatic exclusion of HIV-positive immigrants: a model strategy for successful action in response to proposed government policy
Primary Author: Thomas Haig, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Abstract No.: TuPeE5092

Topic: Review of antiretroviral utilization in Ontario: impact on policy
Primary Author: Chris Jones, Ontario HIV Trials Network
Abstract No.: TuPeG5568

Topic: Are we close to elimination of perinatal HIV-infection in Canada?
Primary Author: Susan King, Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto)
Abstract No.: TuPeC4767

Topic: Patterns of HIV drug resistance in Ontario, Canada
Primary Author: Carol Major, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Abstract No.: TuPeC4902

Topic: Safe injection facilities: an examination of the legal impediments and imperatives
Primary Author: Michael Mancinelli, AIDS Vancouver
Abstract No.: TuPeF5180

Topic: Establishing an Access to Treatment Network in Ontario, Canada
Primary Author: Enrico Mandarino, Canadian Treatment Action Council
Abstract No.: TuPeG5561

Topic: Improving access to treatment for HIV+ pregnant women in Ontario, Canada through community action
Primary Author: Enrico Mandarino, Canadian Treatment Action Council
Abstract No.: TuPeG5661

Topic: Broadening the agenda: developing and implementing a national advocacy strategy for women and HIV/AIDS treatment issues in Canada
Primary Author: Shari Margolese, Canadian Treatment Action Council
Abstract No.: TuPeG5601

Topic: Telling your story, how to decide: a skills-building workshop designed to increase involvement of people with HIV in education, advocacy and prevention
Primary Author: Shari Margolese, Canadian Treatment Action Council
Abstract No.: TuPeF5496

Topic: The impact of STARHS "detuned assay" results on HIV incidence calculations in an ongoing cohort of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Vancouver
Primary Author: Steve Martindale, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: TuPeC4806

Topic: Rehabilitation in the context of HIV: CWGHR, a multisectoral model defining policy issues for Canada
Primary Author: Tom McAulay, Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation
Abstract No.: TuPeG5614

Topic: Absenteeism adds significant cost to HIV needlestick prophylaxis
Primary Author: Alastair McLeod, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: TuPeE5167

Topic: Widen access to antiretrovirals (ARN): the actor's perception on generic drugs (GD)
Primary Author: Cristian Morales, GRIS-UdeM/CMIS-Ste-Justine
Abstract No.: TuPeE5072

Topic: Reaching the hard-to-reach: a national study of community-based HIV/AIDS care and support for the under-served populations in Canada
Primary Author: Blaize Mumford, University of Toronto (another author, Peggy Millson, will be on site)


Abstract No.: TuPeE5130

Topic: Care and treatment of participants who become HIV-infected during phase III HIV vaccine trials: ethical, political, clinical and methodological issues
Primary Author: Stephanie Nixon, University of Toronto
Abstract No.: TuPeD5059

Topic: Exercise and HIV: A Cochrane collaboration systematic review
Primary Author: Stephanie Nixon, University of Toronto
Abstract No.: TuPeC4850

Topic: Perinatal HIV infection in Aboriginal maternal infant pairs in British Columbia, Canada
Primary Author: Gina Ogilvie, Oak Tree Clinic (another author, David Burdge, will be on site)
Abstract No.: TuPeC4763

Topic: Determinants and solutions to the IDU/HIV epidemics in Russia: perceptions of focus groups participants
Primary Author: Victoria Orekhovsky, University of Toronto
Abstract No.: TuPeE5183

Topic: Molecular epidemiology of recently infected patients enrolled in the Ontario Polaris HIV seroconversion study
Primary Author: Richard Pilon, Health Canada
Abstract No.: TuPeC4810

Topic: Transmitted HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistance mutation stability in ART-naive recent seroconverters: results of the Polaris HIV Seroconversion Study
Primary Author: Richard Pilon, Health Canada
Abstract No.: TuPeB4611

Topic: Quality of life of HIV-infected women as measured by the Multidimensional Quality of Life Questionnaire for Persons Infected with HIV or with AIDS (MQOL-HIV)
Primary Author: Valencia Remple, B.C. Centre for Disease Control
Abstract No: TuPeC4688

Topic: Double, boosted salvage therapy with lopinavir (LOP)/ritonavir (RIT) and saquinavir (SQR) in HIV-1 infected patients having failed 3 antiretroviral classes
Primary Author: Graham Smith, McGill University
Abstract No.: TuPeB4547

Topic: Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Day in Canada: a national initiative to raise awareness of issues of HIV among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
Primary Author: Kim Thomas, Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Abstract No.: TuPeG5559

Topic: Accessing HIV care, treatment and support: success stories from communities
Primary Author: Mary Ann Torres, International Council of AIDS Service Organizations
Abstract No.: TuPeE5058

Topic: Effect of the M184V mutation in HIV Reverse Transcriptase (RT) on viral fitness in primary infection
Primary Author: Mark Wainberg, McGill University
Abstract No.: TuPeB4590

Topic: Statistical modelling and estimation of HIV incidence in Spanish childbearing age women
Primary Author: Ping Yan, Health Canada


Abstract No.: TuPeC4811

Wednesday, July 10th

Topic: Post-exposure prophylaxis among HIV-uninfected participants in a phase III HIV vaccine efficacy trial
Presenter: Martha Ackers, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Canadian author: Valdimir Popovic, VaxGen)
Session: PpD03 Vaccine Trials
Time: 12:30-13:30
Location: Palacio 4 - D Corner
Abstract No.: WePpD2105

Topic: HIV risk behaviour change over 24 months of follow-up in a phase III HIV vaccine efficacy trial
Presenter: Brad Batholow, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Canadian author: Vladimir Popovic, VaxGen)
Session: PpD03 Vaccine Trials
Time: 12:30-13:30
Location: Palacio 4 - D Corner
Abstract No.: WePpD2104

Topic: Late diagnosis of HIV infection among reported AIDS cases in Canada and Catalonia, Spain
Primary Author: Chris Archibald, Health Canada
Abstract No.: WePeC5990

Topic: Cardiovascular procedures among HIV infected individuals on antiretrovirals in the province of British Columbia, Canada, 1995-2000
Primary Author: Paula Braitstein, B.C. Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: WePeC6254

Topic: Beliefs about "cum," condoms and intimacy among young gay men (YGM) in the context of rising HIV incidence in Vancouver
Primary Author: Chris Buchner, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: WePeE6412

Topic: Demographics and visit compliance in SILCAAT, a large international phase III clinical endpoint trial with IL-2 as an immune-based therapy adjunctive to ART
Primary Author: Joseph Callahan, Chiron Corp. (Canadian author: Jean-Pierre Routy, McGill University)
Abstract No.: WePeB5873

Topic: Methadone therapy: HIV prevention worker perspectives
Primary Author: John Egan, University of British Columbia
Abstract No.: WePeD6277

Topic: The Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN): a successful model for best practices in capacity development
Primary Author: L. Gelmon, Regional AIDS Training Network, Kenya
Abstract No.: WePeE6472

Topic: Housing stability among participants of the British Columbia Drug Treatment Program
Primary Author: Irene Goldstone, B.C. Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS (another author, Warren O'Briain, will be on site)
Abstract No.: WePeF6686


Topic: Preparing for the future: supporting British Columbia's AIDS organizations in developing a comprehensive response to grief, bereavement and multiple loss
Primary Author: Stephen James, Health Canada.
Abstract No.: WePeF6457

Topic: Reduction in HIV risk behaviours six months after enrolment in needle exchange based low threshold methadone programs
Primary Author: Margaret Millson, University of Toronto
Abstract No.: WePeD6310

Topic: The reliability and validity of the Ontario HIV viral load database: how accurate is it?
Primary Author: Lindy Samson, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Abstract No.: WePeC6113

Topic: A process of vulnerablization exacerbates the risk for HIV infection among young gay men (YGM)
Primary Author: Arn Schilder, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: WePeE6411

Topic: The inter-relationship between domestic and international strategies for HIV vaccine delivery
Primary Author: David Thompson, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Abstract No.: WePeG7014

Topic: Global fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria: lessons learnt from the community perspective
Primary Author: Mary Ann Torres, International Council of AIDS Service Organizations
Abstract No.: WePeG6918

Thursday, July 11th

Topic: Documentation/evaluation of the pilot phase
(September 2000 / July 2001) of the Multi-Sectoral STI/HIV/AIDS Control Programme, Province of Poni, Burkina Faso
Presenter: Pierre Champagne, Centre de coopération internationale en santé et développement
Session: PpF04 Strengthening Community Based Responses to HIV/AIDS
Time: 12:30-13:30
Location: Palacio 4 - F Corner
Abstract No.: ThPpF2157

Topic: Information exchange and skills development through twinning partnerships among AIDS service organizations in 8 countries
Presenter: Michael O'Connor, Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
Session: PpG04 International Partnerships: Models for Twinning of Networking
Time: 12:30-13:30
Location: Palacio 4 - G Corner


Abstract No.: ThPpG2168

Topic: Fuelling HIV epidemic in Russia: the stigma of IDU and HIV and its impact on treatment access and testing
Presenter: Victoria Orekhovsky, University of Toronto
Session: PpE04 Social Discrimination and Access to Care
Time: 12:30-13:30
Location: Palacio 4 - E Corner
Abstract No.: ThPpE2153

Topic: Untreated subjects followed from HIV primary infection (PI) differ from those treated with HAART with respect to persistence of the hierarchy of HIV peptide recognition longitudinally
Primary Author: G. Alter, McGill University Health Centre
Abstract No.: ThPeB7206

Topic: Your money or your life: the high cost of pharmaceutical treatments in Canada
Primary Author: Daryn Bond, Canadian Treatment Action Council
Abstract No.: ThPeG8398

Topic: HIV co-infection with GB Virus C (Hepatitis G virus, HGV) does not influence initial response to antiretroviral therapy
Primary Author: Zabrina Brumme, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: ThPeB7383

Topic: Risk factors for recent HIV infection among MSM: the importance of delayed application of condoms. Results from the Polaris HIV Seroconversion Study
Primary Author: Liviana Calzavara, University of Toronto
Abstract No.: ThPeC7412

Topic: Examining experience, understanding practice: lived experience, professionalism and HIV prevention for injection drug users in Vancouver Canada
Primary Author: John Egan, University of British Columbia
Abstract No.: ThPeE7864

Topic: An AIDS Free You depends on You! Or does it? High school girls in Dominica, West Indies, muse on sexual issues
Primary Author: Clemon George, Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec
Abstract No.: ThPeE7787

Topic: Assessing the impact of law and policy on human rights and HIV prevention and care
Primary Author: Ralf Jürgens, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Abstract No.: ThPeG8285


Topic: Hepatitis C (HCV) co-infection is thwarting health improvements associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
Primary Author: Marina Klein, McGill University Health Centre
Abstract No.: ThPeC7515

Topic: Clients of female sex workers in Cotonou, Benin: risk factors and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections
Primary Author: A.C. Labbé, Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec
Abstract No.: ThPeC7582

Topic: Periodic presumptive treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among female sex workers in Cotonou and Porto Novo (Benin): baseline results
Primary Author: A.C. Labbé, Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec
Abstract No.: ThPeC7586

International legal obligations, indigenous peoples and HIV/AIDS
Primary Author: Stefan Matiation, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Abstract No.: ThPeG8240

Topic: Using a mock safe injection facility, built in a chapel, to dispel myths and promote public support: a Vancouver experience
Primary Author: Warren O'Briain, AIDS Vancouver
Abstract No.: ThPeG8387

Topic: Factors associated with decreased bone mineral density in HIV-positive women
Primary Author: Diana Peabody, Oak Tree Clinic (Vancouver)
Abstract No.: ThPeB7172

Topic: The triglyceride-lowering effect of omega-3 fatty acids in HIV-infected patients on HAART
Primary Author: Diana Peabody, Oak Tree Clinic (Vancouver)
Abstract No.: ThPeB7342

Topic: The relationship between sociodemographic background, sexual behaviour, and HIV on self-reported anogential warts among young men who have sex with men
Primary Author: Elissa Press, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Abstract No.: ThPeC7376

Topic: Incidence of HIV-1 drug resistance (DR) from 1996 to 2001 in the Montreal Primary HIV Infection Cohort
Primary Author: Jean-Pierre Routy, McGill University
Abstract No.: ThPeB7059

Topic: Influence of HIV viremia and T-lymphopenia on the regulation of plasma interleukin-7 (IL-7) levels
Primary Author: Jean-Pierre Routy, McGill University


Abstract No.: ThPeA6994

Topic: Longitudinal evaluation of plasma interleukin-7
(IL-7) levels in advanced HIV-patients treated with Kaletra/Saquinavir containing regimen
Primary Author: Jean-Pierre Routy, McGill University
Abstract No.: ThPeA6995

Topic: Thymic output and interleukin-7 (IL-7) levels during primary HIV infection
Primary Author: Jean-Pierre Routy, McGill University
Abstract No.: ThPeA6992

Topic: HCV and HIV infections among young street IDUs
Primary Author: Élise Roy, Montreal Regional Public Health
Abstract No.: ThPeC7499

Topic: HIV-related malignancies in the HAART era
Primary Author: Irving Salit, Toronto General Hospital
Abstract No.: ThPeB7310

Topic: What is wrong with this picture? Preventing maternal HIV transmission amongst black women and women of colour in Toronto, Canada
Primary Author: Esther Tharao, Women's Health in Women's Hands CHC
Abstract No.: ThPeC7429

Topic: Study on community and NGO responses in Latin America and the Caribbean
Primary Author: Mary Ann Torres, International Council of AIDS Service Organizations
Abstract No.: ThPeG8127

Topic: Effects of 5-year suppression of HIV on cell co-stimulation: implications for long-term immune recovery
Primary Author: Chris Tsoukas, McGill University
Abstract No.: ThPeB7184

Date Modified: 2004-10-01 Top