Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Symbol of the Government of Canada



Media Contact

Contact information for media inquiries only:

Senior Advisor, Media and Community Relations
Ph: 613-996-6860 or 613-995-2903
Fax: 613-995-5086

For general information, inquiries, and feedback on the CNSC web site:

Ph: 1-800-668-5284 (in Canada)
613-995-5894 (outside Canada)
Fax: 613-995-5086


News Releases

CNSC Announces Decision on Renewal of Operating Licence for Atomic Energy of Canada Limited’s Dedicated Isotope Facilities

CNSC Announces Decision on a Financial Guarantee for the Future Decommissioning of Cameco Corporation’s Facility located in Port Hope, Ontario

CNSC Announces Decision on a Financial Guarantee for the Future Decommissioning of Cameco Corporation’s Facility located in Blind River, Ontario

[More: News Releases]


Notes for remarks by Linda J. Keen to the 50th Anniversary Conference of the OECD – Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health: Challenges for the Future of Radiation Protection and Public Health - Canadian Regulatory Perspectives

Notes for Panel Remarks by Linda J. Keen to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 19th Annual Regulatory Information Conference: Evolution of the Canadian Regulatory Approach to Safety

Notes for an Address by Linda J. Keen to the Canadian Nuclear Association’s Annual Seminar: The Challenges of Regulating an Expanding Nuclear Industry in Canada

[More: Speeches]


Enhanced Security in the Nuclear Industry

Current Issues