Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Symbol of the Government of Canada

About the Commission Tribunal

The Commission Tribunal is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal and court of record.

The Commission Tribunal:

  • makes independent decisions on the licensing of nuclear-related activities in Canada ;
  • establishes legally-binding regulations;
  • sets regulatory policy direction on matters relating to health, safety, security and environmental issues affecting the Canadian nuclear industry.

The Commission Tribunal takes into account the views, concerns and opinions of interested parties and intervenors when establishing regulatory policy, making licensing decisions and implementing programs. For more information about getting involved in Commission hearings and meetings, please see participating in public hearings and observing public meetings.

Commission Members

The Nuclear Safety and Control Act provides for the appointment of up to seven Commission members by Order in Council. One member of the Commission is designated as President and Chief Executive Officer. This office is held by Linda J. Keen.

For more information, please see Commission Members .


The Secretariat plans the business of the Commission and gives technical and administrative support to the President and to the other Commission members. This involves related communications with the Minister's Office and all other stakeholders, including government departments, intervenors, licensees, media and the public. The Secretariat is also the official registrar in relation to Commission documentation and manages the hearing process.