This month's issue


Planning - and adjusting - for recovery

The Tourism Satellite Account shows tourism to be the 11th largest industrial sector in Canada, representing $22.8 billion - or 2.3 percent - of Canada's gross domestic product. This important industry in Canada is experiencing its full share of a global downturn that verges on crisis; certainly world and national events are having a significant impact.

To meet this reality, the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) is grappling with a changing tourism business environment, calling on a well thought-out overall strategy along with the ability to make necessary adjustments in response to change.

Global factors affecting the growth of tourism include international political conditions, competition, demographic change (e.g. a strengthening middle class in developing countries, along with an aging population possessing both the time and the capital to travel), and an expanded global awareness (the result of both an international economy and the spread of ...Full Story

CTC committed to Product Club program

The 2004 call for proposals under the Product Club program is in full swing with the evaluation team anticipating up to 12 submissions. Following a Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) program review, ...Full Story

Seeking insurance solutions

The Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) has undertaken a five-point action plan to address the insurance crisis facing Canada's outdoor and adventure tourism operators. The plan includes ...Full Story


The Canadian Tourism Commission's (CTC) new president & CEO, Michele McKenzie, has made it a priority to listen to what the industry has to tell her about the Commission's role in ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • In Conversation with Jean B. Chrétien, senior VP of marketing and sales at the CTC
  • Japan market review
  • Disease - the unwelcome visitor
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