This month's issue


Marketing for success
Branding Canada

For quite some time Canada has been struggling to create a "brand" - a tool that shapes the understanding of what we, in this country called Canada, have to offer. It looks at the country as a whole, not just from a tourism standpoint but digging deeper, involving the very heart of what makes Canada unlike any other place. Who, and what, are we? When we "boil it down", it is more than an icon or single image - it is "personality". It encourages an immediate picture to form in the minds of consumers worldwide when they think of the word "Canada".

Our branding as it exists now has been criticized by some in the industry, arguing that it is not a true reflection of what we have to offer. There is a heavy reliance on nature themes, and focus groups seem to have missed the double-entendre in "Discover our true nature". This has led to the dissemination of mixed (and at times conflicting) messages to the consumer, serving only to reduce the effectiveness of marketing efforts. ...Full Story

Clarifying product development
An interview with Don Monsour

Don Monsour chairs the Canadian Tourism Commission's (CTC) product development committee, and brings a lifetime of experience in the food service and tourism industry to this role. Monsour lives in ...Full Story

Funding and the future
of festivals

Michel Gauthier is president and CEO of the Ottawa Tulip Festival. TOURISM talked with him earlier this month about the future of festivals in Canada in an atmosphere of budget and program cuts. ...Full Story

A market to watch: India

India has new potential as an emerging tourism market for Canada, and an initiative is underway to develop that potential. There have been a number of structural changes to the industry inĀ India that ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Australia market review
  • Marketing our destinations: are we investing enough?
  • Canada's gardens dressing up for summer
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