This month's issue


Receptives and suppliers:
how does it all work?

"Fundamentally, receptives are tour operators, but we work on a business-to-business level. We work with wholesalers in other countries to fulfil their need for Canadian experiences."

To get a handle on this complex subject, TOURISM spent some time talking with Donald Obonsawin of Jonview Canada. Before joining Jonview in 2003 as president and CEO, Obonsawin served as Deputy Minister responsible for tourism with the Ontario provincial government from 1999 - 2002, and was a member of the CTC board of directors during that time. He provides our readers with a number of important insights.

"The role of wholesale tour operators is to sell travel experiences in foreign destinations to their clients. This could mean scheduled tours (motorcoach tours for example) or even simply travel and hotel components with a few selected experiences or attractions. Wholesalers need to have someone to go to who is a specialist in that destination, ...Full Story

Lucille Daoust: research chair with a mission

As Associate Deputy Minister for Tourisme Québec from 1996 to January 2002, Lucille Daoust has extensive experience in the hospitality industry. Before that, she held a number of key ...Full Story

Alberta's regions focused on ROI

Tourism in Alberta has grown at an annual rate of 4.2 percent since 1995, bringing $5.4 billion to the province in 2002. The province's ministry responsible for tourism (Alberta Economic Development) ...Full Story

How big is your parking lot?

With fuel costs rising throughout Canada, paying at the pumps has become a dreaded chore, and one might expect vacationers aboard the "land-yachts" of the recreational vehicle (RV) ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Branding Canada: an update
  • Sports & Tourism
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