This month's issue


CTC shifting for growth

Shifting for Growth is the working title for a Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) document approved by the CTC board of directors at a regular meeting in mid-February, 2005, setting out major principles that will form the basis for the Crown corporation's 2006-2008 Strategic Plan. The new plan will outline the major shifts required to remain competitive on the world stage and at the leading edge of marketing operations and innovation.

"We will combine the best of the past with what is required for the future," said CTC president and CEO Michele McKenzie following the board meeting. "In essence, the shifts will put stronger focus on communicating Canada’s refreshed tourism brand, and leveraging interest through relationship marketing, moving Canada from a 'destination under consideration' to a 'destination of choice'."

Indeed, much of the CTC's strategy over the next three years is directed at putting the new Brand Canada to work effectively. ...Full Story

Insurance relief may be on the way in BC

With escalating insurance premiums reaching the breaking point for many tourism operations in the outdoors sector, the Council of Tourism Associations of British Columbia (COTA) has been under ...Full Story

Reaching the "dot" traveller with ""

It reads like a bowl of alphabet soup… .com, .ca, .de, .org, .uk, .biz and many more. Floating in the dizzying world of internet domains, the tourism industry has been thrown a ...Full Story

Marketing for success
Implementing a brand: a tiered approach

If Brand Canada is to engage consumers with a promise of what an experience in Canada can be - and how that will change and enrich their lives - it needs to present a clear and compelling reason for ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Going fishing in the US leisure market
  • An update on Rendez-vous Canada!!
  • From concierge to condo...
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