This month's issue


Marketing for Success
Get ready for Brand Canada!

There is a universal human quality that urges each of us to explore, discover and understand both the world around us and our place within it. As curious travellers on this planet, we do not need a reason to travel, we need only a destination! Brand Canada - to be unveiled at Rendez-vous Canada - will capitalize upon this human quality, heightening curiosity and offering the destination where it can be satisfied - Canada.

Powerful brands simplify choice. Today’s consumers have more options than ever before from which to choose how and where to spend their leisure time and leisure dollars. Today more than ever, we are being overshadowed by competitors with larger budgets and who communicate a clear, consistent and compelling image to consumers. If Brand Canada can invite consumers to act upon a basic element of human nature, the brand can withstand world events and act as a compass against which we can align ...Full Story

Learning from the airline
industry's latest crisis

A front-page picture of a mother tenderly comforting her bereft child, bravely staunching her own tears; predictions of dire consequences; a call for the Minister of Transport's ...Full Story

Know your customers better - with technology!

What do you know about your customers? And, more importantly, what do you do with that knowledge?

Customer relationship management is not a new idea, and has been practiced by ...Full Story

Saskatoon hosts international marketplace

Rendez-vous Canada, Canada's premier international tourism marketplace since 1977, gets underway in Saskatoon (see cover) May 7-11. It will be the first time that the event -affectionately known as ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Examining the Boston market
  • In conversation with Sylvie Bourget
  • Keeping up your customer service
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