This month's issue


The CTC and SMEs
An interview with Debbie Greening

Debbie Greening has served on the board of directors of the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) for six years, and has been an unwavering proponent for what she saw as the urgent need for the CTC  to understand and work more effectively with the tourism business sector identified as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Greening chairs the CTC's Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Committee, and operates Land of the Loon Resort near Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan; when it comes to the issues faced by the vast majority of the nation's tourism businesses, Greening knows whereof she speaks:

TOURISM:How did this all start?

Greening: Six years ago, Judd Buchanan (CTC chair at the time) identified that SME's are a very significant factor in the tourism industry - representing over 96% of that industry - and therefore the CTC has a role to play. It had not been determined at the time exactly what that role ...Full Story

Better deal for water-based adventure companies

Hoped-for changes are on their way for adventure-tourism operators involved in boating and marine activities. The Marine Liability Act (MLA) was introduced in August 2001 and immediately created an ...Full Story

Getting competitive: hotel taxes and levies
An interview with Ken Fiske

Ken Fiske, vice-president, tourism, events and motion pictures at Edmonton Tourism, is chair of the Canadian Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaux (CACVB). Edmonton and Calgary have recently ...Full Story

The importance of museums and tourism:
An interview with John McAvity

John McAvity is executive director of the Canadian Museums Association. For nearly 60 years, the association has been the national organization for the advancement of the Canadian museum community. ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Sex tourism
  • An update on the Olympics
  • Summer staffing
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