This month's issue


Why purchase online?

The following report was prepared by Claude Péloquin of the Tourism Intelligence Network of the ESG-UQAM Chair in Tourism (University of Quebec at Montréal).

A 2005 tourism management study sheds light on the purchasing habits of North American Web users with respect to tourism products. The two primary factors motivating them to conclude online transactions are the quality and accuracy of on-site information and a simple reservation process.Study context

The main reason consumers have overwhelmingly adopted the Internet is that it enables them to shop 24/7 in the comfort of their home. However, there are a number of factors that differentiate Web user purchasing habits. For instance, those who purchase travel products online are influenced by the complexity of the product. Other important considerations include the ability to compare prices, discounts and a user-friendly interface.

With that in mind, experts ...Full Story

Passports may be in our future

Within two years, the relatively free flow of travellers between Canada and the US could become somewhat more complicated. Currently, Canadians - and Americans returning home from ...Full Story

Perspectives: summer students speak up

Tourism is a seasonal business. For some, the high season is fall or winter, but for the vast majority of small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada's tourism industry the sunny summer is when ...Full Story

Sex tourism: universal appeal, dangerous implications

For an industry focused on new marketplace buzzwords like "experiential travel", travelling for the purpose of gratifying romantic - and even sexual - desires should not seem out of the ordinary. ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • A new web strategy at the CTC
  • An interview with Brian Richardson
  • Picking up speed: Ski niche market
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