This month's issue


CTC's 2007 investments to include R&D;

In 2007, while the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) will continue to invest in the same markets as 2006, some budget reallocation will be implemented to take advantage of growth markets. And, a long-term commitment to research and development ($1.2 million in 2007) is seen as essential to maintaining market share.

The CTC board of directors has approved a continued focus on the US Leisure and MC&IT markets, Mexico, France, Germany, the UK, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia and Canada in 2007. In those markets where investment allocation will be reduced, it is not expected this will result in a significant loss of buying power, given the strength of the Canadian dollar relative to those markets' currency at current rates. Final budgets for all markets will be confirmed in September 2006.

In order to assist the CTC to allocate its marketing budget objectively, the Market Investment Model (MIM) was developed to compare market conditions ...Full Story

Bringing life to the brand
The Explorer Quotient

I have read and heard a great deal about something called the EQ. Can you tell me, what exactly is this and how is it going to benefit the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC), or people in the ...Full Story

Partnerships at work in Nova Scotia
Cape Breton’s “Fabulous Foursome”

There are striking similarities between Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton region and Scotland – the very birthplace of golf: rugged shores, rocky hillsides and ...Full Story

Australia market overview

According to Global Insight, Australia’s economy is forecast to remain relatively stable for the current period (2005-2007). However, personal expenditures are expected to slow down. ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Watching wildlife
  • Maximize your search results
  • Product enhancement at the CTC
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