This month's issue


Québec 2008 : setting the stage

When journalists find themselves on remote assignments needing someone who knows their way around to arrange meetings and travel details, that person is known as a "fixer." In his own field, as the federal government's Commissioner, Laurent Tremblay is, indeed, a fixer.

"When Québec City saw the 2008 anniversary coming," says Tremblay, "it established in 2000 the Société du 400e anniversaire de Québec (the non-profit corporation tasked with organizing the 400th birthday celebrations in that city) to produce the commemorative celebrations. In the meantime, the Federal government developed a national commemoration policy with a five-year plan to commemorate a series of anniversaries reflecting Canada's heritage and values (starting with the founding of Acadia in 2004, the centennial celebrations of Alberta and Saskatchewan as Canadian provinces in 2005, and Québec 400th). ...Full Story

CACVB and CTC meet on branding, e‑marketing

Members of the Canadian Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaux (CACVB) had an opportunity to get together with management and international staff of the Canadian Tourism ...Full Story

R & D with a take‑to‑market focus

Stan Cook is vice-president of operations and head guide of Stan Cook Sea Kayaking Adventures, and was recently appointed chair of the Product Innovation and Enhancement (PIE) committee for the ...Full Story

CTC Paris: the power of partnerships

If the value of non-traditional partnerships is gaining recognition across the tourism spectrum, nowhere are these collaborations sought more avidly that at the Canadian Tourism ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Our next issue will be published in September. Enjoy your summer!
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