This month's issue


Brand Canada moves forward

The true test of a brand's power is whether people can embrace the idea of the brand without ever actually "seeing" it. And we're thrilled that over the past 18 months, while we at the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) have worked to refine the visual identity of the brand, our partners in the industry have been enthusiastically supportive of the Brand Canada. Keep Exploring and all that it means has struck a real chord with the travel industry and consumers alike. Your involvement and input to the brand process has been invaluable ¬ and your patience in understanding that we are determined to get this right rather than rush to market with an inferior product, is greatly appreciated.

Over the past two months, the CTC has been on the road meeting with hundreds of our partners. Along with a review of our 2007 marketing plans, we have been pleased to share with the industry a sneak peak at the new look and feel of Brand Canada, and we are again ...Full Story

Blue Sky: a giant leap for tourism

Transport Minister Cannon’s Blue Sky policy is simple. In essence, it makes it easier for more scheduled and all-cargo carriers to fly to Canada from more countries, with fewer ...Full Story

Meeting DMO challenges

Responsible for developing and promoting tourism in their respective regions, destination management organizations (DMOs) are the backbone of the travel industry. Challenges await them as they ...Full Story

Developing for authenticity

Authenticity. The word itself is used more and more in tourism circles, as operators and destinations alike grapple with what it means – for them as well as for ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • May 2007 be the best year ever for you!
    TOURISM staff
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