This month's issue


Tourism is all about experiences

The exercise of re-branding Canada has placed the emphasis on being a more compelling destination, where visitors can find the experiences they seek in a vibrant Canada. The foundation for this has been laid, and a new, consumer-centric approach to marketing is falling into place, using leading-edge e-commerce tools to help measure our success and gauge our markets. Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) president and CEO Michele McKenzie took time at the beginning of the year to talk about some of the CTC priorities in 2007 and beyond:

The time has come to be talking about experiences, and about how industry leverages the Canada Brand. After all, we at the CTC could be the most brilliant marketers in the world but we are still not the ones who deliver anything at all to consumers! While we have been focused on explaining the results of our research and on refreshing Canada's tourism brand, it is in the industry's hands to create and deliver the ...Full Story

CTC unveils new visual identity

In January, the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) unveiled the new Brand Canada visual identity in Canada and in the CTC's nine international markets. The new identity promotes Canada as a ...Full Story

Brand "multi‑tool" is ready!

Crafting a brand identity so vibrant it will work globally could well be the most ambitious project the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) has undertaken to date. Marketing partners are already ...Full Story

Building the industry
Mapping French‑speaking Ontario to lure the Quebec market

For generations, eastern Canadians heading west by road have been faced with two choices. They could follow the Trans-Canada Highway’s southern route through Sudbury and Sault Ste. ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Going global: hotel and resort ownership
  • The Great Canadian Barn Dance
  • An interview with Johanne Gallant
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