This month's issue


Upbeat outlook for domestic travel

According to the March, 2007 edition of the Tourism Information Bulletin, early indications suggest that Canadians are upbeat about their vacation plans for this summer, in particular for domestic travel. The latest Travel Intentions Survey by the Canadian Tourism Research Institute, conducted in December 2006, revealed that nearly 83% of the Canadians polled intended to take a summer vacation this year, up from 69% in the December 2005 survey. There was also a decisive shift in summer trip destinations: 73% of summer travellers plan to take their vacation in Canada, up from 65% a year earlier. Intentions for US trips dropped 8 percentage points to 10.2%, while plans for trips to other international destinations were about the same. The new passport rule for air travel between Canada and the United States likely played a role in this shift.

Impacts of the WHTI

The first stage of the Western Hemisphere Travel ...Full Story

So you want a career in tourism?

Saskatoon's Tricia Côté graduates from a diploma course in tourism management at the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST) this spring, and ...Full Story

From Mexico to Canada!

There is no shortage of reasons why the Mexican market is very promising for Canada, according the CTC’s latest segmentation study. Outbound travel from there is growing with over ...Full Story

Are you the “unexpected Canada”?

In re-branding Canada, we made a promise to the world that if they came to our shores, they would "discover a life less ordinary". By experiencing our geography, our culture, and most of all our ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Summer expectations
  • More perspectives on HR
  • The US market
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