This month's issue


Putting a business focus on Aboriginal tourism

Put together spectacular landscapes, unique experiences, and a vibrant living culture and you have a remarkable opportunity to thrive in the tourism business. Nowhere can this be more true than with Aboriginal tourism products, of which there are stunning examples across Canada. Aboriginal Tourism Canada's (ATC) new CEO, Daniel Paul Bork, has a vision to ensure these products reach into the marketplace to achieve the success they deserve, and to increase Canada's portfolio of these market-ready tourism experiences.

Bork, president of Manitoba‑;based Cook Consulting, was appointed CEO of ATC this spring. He told TOURISM that Canada's Aboriginal tourism file has gone through a growth spurt, accompanied by a re‑;focused mandate. In the past, the regional Aboriginal tourism associations were heavily represented on the ATC board of directors. The principal mission used to be to advocate for the interests of those associations while they were developing ...Full Story

Getting involved: the Canadian e‑Tourism Awards

The Canada-e-Connect is held in conjunction with the first-ever Canadian e-Tourism Awards. These prestigious new awards recognize excellence in website ...Full Story

Culture and tourism: getting it together

Though culture and heritage organizations are regularly called upon to become engaged with tourism, a great many heritage organizations haven’t really established what they hope to ...Full Story

go2: A service response to human resource issues

Established by the BC tourism industry in April 2003, go2 is an independent association delivering resources and programs to assist the industry with employee and leadership training, human resource ...Full Story

In the next issue...
  • Our next issue will be published in September. Enjoy your summer!
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