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  •  Today's Featured Article Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Title:  Tory Hatred
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Monday, October 06 2008 @ 10:47 AM
     Viewed:  39 times  
    Jason ramblingSo we have someone in Toronto going around cutting the brake lines of Liberal supporters. Looking around the progressive bloggosphere I notice that there is universal shock and condemnation towards these acts of violence, as there should be. Where I don't find such shock and condemnation is over at that bastion of conservative and Conservative thinking, The Free Dominion where as of 9:30 MDT today, the participants in the the discussion of the topic are speculating that it's all a Liberal plot to get sympathy votes. No condemnation, just speculation that it's all just a Liberal plot. This really goes to show what the underbelly of conservatism and Conservatism really is.

    read more (586 words) 3 comments
    Most Recent Post: 10/06 06:05PM by Anonymous

     Facebook Follies Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Tuesday, September 16 2008 @ 12:11 AM
     Viewed:  225 times  
    Jason rambling

    For those of you out there who, like me, can't stand the "New Facebook", in kind of the same way as "New Coke", I have successfully used the following method to get the old Facebook back:

    Click here and add the Developer App.


    Then click here:


    It works for now. How long until the Facebook admins figure it out, who knows.

    read more (148 words) 4 comments
    Most Recent Post: 09/16 11:28PM by Anonymous

     Harper opens the taps. Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Wednesday, September 03 2008 @ 06:51 AM
     Viewed:  59 times  
    Jason ramblingLet the orgy of pre-election spending begin! Could someone tell me how the Harper Tories are better than the Liberals they replaced? Harper doesn't seem capable of following through on stopping the excesses that he railed against when in opposition. Some stand up guy...

     Ok, So I've been gone for a while... Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Monday, September 01 2008 @ 10:52 AM
     Viewed:  88 times  
    Jason ramblingSo you may have noticed that it's been a while since I've posted something of any substance here. There are many reasons for it. My mother's passing took an emotional toll that took some time to deal with so for many weeks I just haven't been in the mood to do much blogging. I also started a masters program so that has also taken up much of my energy. Well September is upon us and hopefully the sliding back into the routine of work will punch up my blogging energy, or at the very least push me past the bit of writer's block that seems to have set upon me like some kind of malaise. Heck with an election on the horizon, there should be plenty to blog about, now just to find the motivation!

    read more (272 words) 3 comments
    Most Recent Post: 09/06 10:54AM by Anonymous

     Desperate... Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Monday, September 01 2008 @ 10:37 AM
     Viewed:  66 times  
    Jason rambling... is how I see Harper's latest election maneuvering. Stephen Harper has wanted an election so bad for years now, but the opposition has defied his wishes so far, how dare they! So Harper is willing to break the spirit, if not the letter of his own law on fixed election dates. Not that the Tories are sticklers for obeying the law, as one Tory staffer put it, laws are for criminals.

     Object #37 – NGC 6625 Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Friday, August 15 2008 @ 01:55 PM
     Viewed:  52 times  
    City Deep Sky ProjectNGC 6625 - Open cluster in Scutum

     Object #36 – NGC 6605 Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Friday, August 15 2008 @ 01:48 PM
     Viewed:  51 times  
    City Deep Sky ProjectNGC 6605 - Open cluster in Serpens

     Memes... not just for breakfast anymore.... Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Friday, August 08 2008 @ 08:36 PM
     Viewed:  147 times  
    MemesInstructions: Go over to Wikipedia and enter the day you were born (such as "March 11") and then pick 3 events, 2 births and 1 holiday that occurred on your birthday.

     Table of Contents – City Deep Sky Project Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Tuesday, August 05 2008 @ 10:43 PM
     Viewed:  238 times  
    City Deep Sky ProjectHere is a clickable table of contents for the City Deep Sky List project.

     Object #35 - M 15 Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
     Author:  evilscientist
     Dated:  Tuesday, August 05 2008 @ 10:38 PM
     Viewed:  58 times  
    City Deep Sky ProjectM 15 - Globular cluster in Pegasus

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