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Collège des Forces canadiennes
Pleins feux sur les nouvelles militaires

Jeudi, 15 octobre 2007
Nouvelles canadiennes
The Daily News
    Group wants recruiters out of schools - CoC
The Ottawa Citizen
    Defence wants say on summit sites
The Globe and Mail
    Fingers on triggers, then split-second decisions
The Canadian Press
    ANP threatening to walk off the job
The Globe and Mail
    Ottawa eyes fresh Afghan abuse case
Calgary Herald
    Afghan developer plants seed of hope
The Daily News
    DND worker sentenced for expense fraud
The Canadian Press
    Ottawa accused of ignoring diseases
CBC News
    SCC refuses to hear cases of U.S. deserters - More
CTV News
    Veteran's widow to get pension after 40 years
CanWest News Service
    Veteran, 91, denied benefits
The Hamilton Spectator
    Soldiers recognized for their military service in Afghanistan
The Canadian Press
    Search resumes for missing Nunavut trio - More - More
The Ottawa Citizen
    Canada censures Burma - More - More
La Presse Canadienne
    La Défense ne veut plus de Montebello
The Associated Press
    Les insuffisances de l'OTAN ont un effet négatif, dit Henault
Le Nord-Est
    Jacques Dupont appuie son fils en Afghanistan
    Les FC assureront le transport de la Coupe Grey vers Toronto
Le Devoir
    Arctique : les blâmes pleuvent sur Ottawa
    Commémoration de la présence canadienne en Grande-Bretagne
    Un soldat en poste à Petawawa et sa conjointe sont accusés
    Plus d'appel pour les déserteurs américains
    Les Birmano-Canadiens heureux des sanctions
Commentaires canadiens
Brent Patterson -- The Council of Canadians
    Stop military recruiting in our schools
Chris Taylor -- The Torch
    Save us, Maude Barlow!
Stephen Kravcik -- The Ottawa Citizen
    Letter: Remembrance Day was not a pep rally for our troops
Richard J. Bazillion -- National Post
    Letter: A history of war in Afghanistan - More
Don Martin -- National Post
    Symbol of loss has been sullied
Stanley Tucker -- The Gazette
    Letter: Remembering is important - Poetry
Pat Kelly -- Winnipeg Free Press
    An unforgettable remembrance at Tewitt's Lane - TL - More
Editorial -- The Globe and Mail
    Making a foe of Bhutto
Editorial -- Winnipeg Free Press
    Push Pakistan
Gwynne Dyer -- Winnipeg Free Press
    Pakistan's six-pack
Timothy Garton Ash -- The Globe and Mail
    Killing liberty in the name of security
Samuel Segev -- Winnipeg Free Press
    Lebanon as 'playground' for peace
Cathy Crowe -- The Toronto Star
    Fund affordable housing, not war
Commentaires internationaux
Lt. Col. Oliver North -- Fox News
    Guts and Glory: The Legacy of William J. Casey
Bill O'Reilly -- Fox News
    A Movie That Will Put U.S. Troops in More Danger
James T. Hackett -- The Washington Times
    X-Band radar for defense - More
John Podesta, Lawrence J. Korb and Brian Katulis -- The Washington Post
    Where's the Pushback Against the Surge?
Jeremy Scahill -- Los Angeles Times
    Blackwater's loopholes
Robert D. Novak -- The Washington Post
    No Good at Nation-Building
Edward M. Kennedy and Max Cleland -- The Boston Globe
    Back from war, out of a job
Rosa Brooks -- Los Angeles Times
    In Musharaff, Bush made the wrong friend
H.D.S. Greenway -- The Boston Globe
    What Musharraf could not abide
Editorial -- The Washington Times
    Musharraf's opposition
Paul Moorcraft -- The Washington Times
    A risk for the West
Daniel Gallington -- The Washington Times
    No more nightmares
Editorial -- The Boston Globe
    A spy brought in from the cold
Ruth Daniloff -- The Boston Globe
    A determined spirit guides Grozny
Editorial -- The Washington Post
    Mr. Chávez's Coup
David Ignatius -- The Washington Post
    Palestinian Security Paradox
Nouvelles internationales
Agence France-Presse
    Les militaires américains peu pressés de lancer l'offensive contre l'Iran
Agence France-Presse
    L'agent du FBI ayant interrogé Hussein témoigne dans un livre
Agence France-Presse
    Des républicains demandent le retrait d'un rapport sur l'Irak
    Abou Hamza en voie d'extradition
    Des avions sans passagers
Agence France-Presse
    Accident d'un A340 en essai à Toulouse : 10 blessés
Agence France-Presse
    Les Allemands fascinés par Stauffenberg, leur héros imparfait
Agence France-Presse
    Le déploiement de la force ONU-UA au Darfour pourrait être retardé
    L'appel à la révolte dans la bande de Gaza
Agence France-Presse
    Les talibans abattent un enseignant d'anglais
    Gouvernement de transition au Pakistan - Plus
Agence France-Presse
    Musharraf quittera la tête des armées avant le 1er décembre
Agence France-Presse
    Deux enfants tués par des tirs lors d'une manif pro-Bhutto
The Washington Times
    War funds under attack
The Washington Post
    FBI Probe Continues in Blackwater Case - More
The Virginian-Pilot
    Blackwater probe: Inspector general removes himself
The Virginian-Pilot
    Wars have taken a heavy toll on the military
The Associated Press
    Drill Instructor Convicted in Abuse Case
The Virginian-Pilot
    Carrier gets new CO
The Washington Post
    Bomb Parts Clear Air Security in Tests
The Christian Science Monitor
    An Al Pacino in Iraqi clothing
The Washington Post
    House Approves Bill Linking War Funds, Troop Withdrawals - More
The Associated Press
    Forgotten P-38 Lightning found on Welsh beach
The Associated Press
    British Airways flying empty planes to U.S.
The Associated Press
    Britain tightens security - More
Thomson Financial
    Airbus A340 involved in ground collision during engine testing - Photo
The Associated Press
    Poland charges soldiers for murder in Afghanistan
International Herald Tribune
    At a Kosovo ski resort, a fragile comity endures
The Associated Press
    Darfur peacekeeping mission faces failure: UN
The Associated Press
    Somalia's children of war
International Herald Tribune
    Break-in at nuclear site baffles South Africa
The Washington Times
    U.S. engages Muslim Brotherhood despite Rice
The Washington Times
    U.S. readies Mideast peace conferee list
The Toronto Star
    The search for spirit and courage
Reuters News
    U.S. military says kills 25 insurgents in Iraq
The Toronto Star
    Iraq crisis' untold tales of refugees
The Washington Post
    Iraqis Wasting an Opportunity, U.S. Officers Say
International Herald Tribune
    Iraq to spend $19 billion on projects
International Herald Tribune
    UN gives Iran mixed review on nuclear activities
Bloomberg News
    Germany's Anti-Terrorism Mission Mandate Extended - More
The Toronto Star
    Canadians find 'credible' case of torture
Reuters News
    Taliban kill Afghan boy for teaching English
The Associated Press
    Luftwaffe says Russia refused Uzbekistan-bound plane overflight - A310
Reuters News
    Pakistani troops attack militants in scenic valley
Reuters News
    Musharraf names caretaker PM
Reuters News
    Musharraf's wobbles fuel predictions of downfall
The Christian Science Monitor
    Student protests build in Pakistan
The Associated Press
    Bhutto hopes to form unity government
The Toronto Star
    Pakistani students divided over crisis - More
The Globe and Mail
    Ex-cricket player the latest to be jailed - More
Los Angeles Times
    For Musharraf, quitting army may end support - More
International Herald Tribune
    U.S. is looking past Musharraf in case he falls
The Washington Times
    U.S. told to denounce Pakistan
Reuters News
    Sri Lanka fighting kills 15 rebels and a soldier
The Associated Press
    U.S. freezes assets of charity allegedly linked with Tamil Tigers
International Herald Tribune
    Boycott clouds gem show in Burma
The New York Times
    Korean PMs assess merits of sea border as peace zone

Dernières éditions
Mer 14 -- Mar 13 -- Lun 12 -- Dim 11 -- Sam 10 -- Ven 9 -- Jeu 8

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PFSNM est en ligne depuis décembre 1995
 Date de modification : 2007-11-15 Top of Page Avis importants