Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development

The only journal of its kind in Canada, the Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development provides a view of economic development from a uniquely Aboriginal perspective. Published jointly by CANDO and Captus Press, the Journal is peer reviewed by a distinguished academic editorial board to ensure high quality Aboriginal content. The Journal covers the following areas:
  • Best Practices: Learning from Experience   
  • Lessons from Research
  • Book Reviews
  • Commentary

Call for Papers on The State of the Aboriginal Economy

    Published jointly by the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO) and Captus Press, the Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED) features academic articles, examples from economic practitioners, book reviews, and special issues.  Published twice yearly, the Journal is a unique resource for anyone interested in Aboriginal economic development.

    Submitted papers (double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, APA format) should be 15-20 pages in length, including appendices, and should relate to one of the following areas:

  • Aboriginal Community Economic and Business Development
  • The Analysis of the Aboriginal Economy
  • Evaluating Aboriginal Economic Activities
  • International Indigenous Economic Activity
  • Aboriginal Corporate Responsibility and Social Auditing
  • Economic Partnerships in the Aboriginal Economy
  • Indigenous Knowledge and the Aboriginal Economy
  • Using Statistics Canada Information to Create Report Cards
  • Change in the Aboriginal Economy
  • Traditional and Modern Economies
Final date for submissions: 15 January 2007

Submissions may be emailed to:

Warren Weir and Yale Belanger, Co-Editors
c/o Lisa Harvie (Boychuk)
Download The Call for Papers (32kb PDF)

Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development

Volume 5, Issue 1
Table of contents
(237KB PDF)

Volume 4, Issue 1
           Volume 4, Issue 2
Table of contents             Table of contents
(212KB PDF)                     (182KB PDF)

Volume 3, Issue 1           Volume 3, Issue 2
Table of contents             Table of contents
(80KB PDF)                      (249KB PDF)

Volume 2, Issue 1          Volume 2, Issue 2
Table of contents            Table of contents
(190KB PDF)                    (289KB PDF)

Volume 1, Issue 1          Volume 1, Issue 2
Table of contents            Table of contents
(171KB PDF)                   (307KB PDF)

To purchase a copy of the Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development print the Order Form and Fax (416) 736-5793 it to Captus directly.
Phone: 416 736-5537

Website: click on "Search by Series Name" and then "The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development"

Should you wish to advertise in the Journal, please contact us.