ONF - Contact us

Contact us

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Headquarters, Montreal: 1(800) 267-7710 or (514)283-9000
Montreal CineRobotheque: (514) 496-6887
Toronto Mediatheque: (416) 973-3012

Head Office address

Constitution Square
360, Albert Street, Suite 1005
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1A 0M9

Operational Headquarters address

Norman-McLaren Building 3155, Côte-de-Liesse Road Saint-Laurent (Quebec) H4N 2N4

Postal address

Postal Box 6100
Centre-ville Station
Montreal (Quebec)
H3C 3H5

Studios and production center

Clic here for the list of our studios and production center.

National Film Board of Canada Production
© All Rights Reserved, 2007