Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

A Look at Canada

Protecting the Environment — Sustainable Development

Key Words
Plant trees
Environmentally friendly

Economic growth is crucial for the future prosperity of Canada, but growth must be managed carefully so that it does not harm the environment. The Canadian government is committed to the goal of sustainable development, which means economic growth that is environmentally sound.

A healthy environment is important to quality of life. All citizens should act in a responsible manner toward the environment so that our children have the opportunity to live in a country that is clean and prosperous.

All Canadian citizens have a responsibility to contribute to the social, economic and environmental well-being of our country. Both individual and collective action will help achieve progress toward the goal of sustainable development.

It takes time to learn about the environment and how to protect it. However, if we don’t pay attention to environmental issues, our environment will suffer.

Mother and daughter planting a garden.
Mother and daughter planting a garden.

Achieving sustainable development is a long-term goal. Reaching it will require many changes in the way people act. Individuals can do many things in their daily lives to help protect the environment and move toward sustainable development. Here are some examples:

  • Throw waste paper or other garbage in designated public garbage containers.
  • Compost, recycle and re-use as many products as possible, such as paper, glass and cans.
  • Conserve energy and water by turning off lights and taps when they are not being used.
  • Walk, join a car pool, or use a bicycle or public transit whenever possible.
  • Use products that are environmentally friendly.
  • Plant trees and grow a garden. Avoid using chemicals.
  • Get involved with a local group to protect our natural and cultural heritage.

Good environmental citizenship means making sure that groups and individuals have the information they need and understand how to use it to take responsible environmental action. We are accountable for our environment. We must protect it. This way, we take responsibility for the quality of our lives and the lives of future generations.

Mother teaching her son to ride a bicycle.
Mother teaching her son to ride a bicycle.


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