Canada - Keep Exploring

Currency & Money

Canadian currency
Exchanging currency in Canada
Sales taxes & GST
Visitor tax rebates
Credit cards and bank machines
Travellers cheques
Banking hours

Canadian Currency

The Canadian currency system uses dollars ($) and cents (¢) similar to the U.S., Australia and New Zealand.

Canada now has one- and two-dollar coins, often called the "loonie" and the "toonie," in addition to 1¢, 5¢, 10¢ and 25¢ coins. Paper money comes in different colors and designs. The most common are $5 bills (blue), $10 bills (purple), $20 bills (green), $50 bills (red) and $100 bills (brown). You may still see some old red $2 bills, which remain valid currency.

Most hotels, stores and restaurants will accept U.S. dollars, though sometimes at a lower rate than banks or airports. Large hotels will usually give you a rate similar to those at the bank. It is always a good idea to convert some of your money to Canadian currency prior to leaving home.

Exchanging Currency in Canada

You can change money at any recognized financial institution, bank, trust company or currency exchange in Canada. Many stores, hotels and restaurants will also exchange currency, but often offer a lower rate than a financial institution. Be sure to convert some of your money prior to leaving home.

For information on currency exchange rates, check out the Bank of Canada's Currency Converter.

Sales Taxes & GST

The GST, or "goods and services tax," is a 6 percent federal tax applied to most goods and services provided in Canada.

In all provinces except Alberta, there is an additional provincial sales tax (PST) of between 5 percent to 8 percent added to purchases and financial transactions. The HST or "harmonized sales tax" is a 14 percent tax that replaces the PST and GST in the provinces of Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Some hotels and retailers include the GST or HST in their prices; others add it on separately.

Visitor Tax Rebates

On March 19, 2007, the Government of Canada confirmed their intention to eliminate the GST/HST Visitor Rebate Program and announced the introduction of the Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program.

Credit Cards & Bank Machines

Major credit cards such as American Express, MasterCard and Visa are widely accepted in Canada. Your financial institution at home will automatically make the currency exchange before you receive your monthly statement. Be sure you contact your credit card company to let them know you'll be using the card outside the country.

Using an ABM (automatic bank machine), also known as an ATM (automated teller machine), is an easy way to access cash while travelling abroad. Most international bankcard systems, including Interac, Plus, Cirrus and Maestro, will work at most ABMs in Canada. You’ll find them conveniently located at banks, stores, airports and many other locations. You can also get cash advances on your credit card at an ABM.

It's a good idea to notify your home bank that you'll be using your bank card in Canada to find out whether any special conditions and withdrawal limits may apply.

Travellers Cheques

Travellers cheques can often be used as cash as most Canadian restaurants, hotels and stores will accept small-denomination Canadian Dollar travellers cheques. You may be asked to produce a passport for identification when cashing your travellers cheques.

Banking Hours

Standard banking hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Many banks are open to 6:00 p.m. on Friday. Some banks and specific branches may be open later on weeknights and even on Saturdays. Trust companies are generally open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and on Saturday mornings.


Tipping is a common practice in Canada. Tips or service charges are not usually added to restaurant bills in Canada, but server salaries are based on the assumption that staff will receive a good proportion of income in tips. Some restaurants will also place a mandatory service charge on a bill for large groups. In general, you should reward good service by tipping 15-20 percent of the total amount.

Barbers, hairdressers and taxi drivers are usually tipped 15 percent. Bellhops, doormen, porters and other staff at hotels, airports and railway stations are generally tipped $1-$2 per item carried. Tipping the server both at the bar and at the table is common in Canadian bars and nightclubs.

For more information visit
Currency Converter  (English and French only)
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