The Tundra Buggy Adventure - Your Authentic Arctic Experience Call us today toll free in North America: 1(800) 663-9832

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The Inside Scoop

We are the proud receipients of the 2005 Sustainable Tourism Award!

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Welcome to The Tundra Buggy Adventure

With over 25 years of successful subarctic experience, The Tundra Buggy® Adventure is best way to view and photograph the polar bears of Churchill, Manitoba. Choose from either a Churchill Hotel- or Tundra Buggy Lodge-based stay. We provide exclusive access to the polar bears at Cape Churchill inside Wapusk National Park. Our polar bear tours at Cape Churchill provide will you the most intimate polar bear experience on earth. Learn More



The Tundra Buggy® Adventure is brought to you by Frontiers North.

More Adventures include beluga whales, grizzly bears, walrus and northern lights.

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