Site map
Across Cultures

Through the lens of a camera, discover some of the NFB collection that documents the contribution made to Canada by different ethnocultural communities.

Cinema and Representation

Image taken from A Scent of Mint, 2002. © NFB

Relive a facet of the great history of NFB documentary film by discovering how cultural communities have been represented over the last 65 years.

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Points of View

Read what those involved with current issues across Canada have to say about cultural diversity and multiculturalism.

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See everything, hear everything

Image taken from In the Name of the Mother and the Son, 2005. © NFB

Watch 60 films, 80 excerpts and over 80 archival artefacts selected by NFB specialists as part of this unique project.

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For teachers

Explore teaching content for high school students about the themes discussed on this site.

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Making films at the NFB

To make films and videos that reflect Canada’s cultural diversity, the NFB’s French and English programs are your number one choice for production.

Find out more >

CitizenShift and diversity

Citizen<em>Shift</em> and diversity A public space for citizens to explore, engage and contribute to media for social change.

Visit the site >

Work For All: Stop Racism in the Workplace
Examine how systemic racism adversely affects industry and the economy.

Rebels with a Cause: Alanis Obomsawin
Obomsawin’s films give First Nations communities an outlet for expression.

YOUTH: Towards Tolerance
Films made by young Canadians point out roads to tolerance.

Other interesting NFB Web sites

Visit two other NFB Web sites which also deal with issues of cultural diversity:

Documentary Lens
Visit the site >

Aboriginal Perspectives
Visit the site >

For more NFB online educational resources, visit www.nfb.ca/education