Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Foreign Credential Referral Services Overseas

Orientation sessions abroad help increase awareness about the credential recognition process in Canada. The sessions are aimed at helping selected Federal Skilled Worker Class immigrants understand this process and be better prepared to find work in their field when they arrive in Canada. Sessions are provided in China, India and the Philippines.

The orientation sessions take place over two days. During the first day, the immigrants meet in small groups and receive information about foreign credential recognition and the labour market in Canada. The second day consists of one-on-one counseling in which prospective immigrants develop personalized settlement plans, which can be used upon arrival in Canada. The objective is for newcomers to arrive in Canada prepared with an action plan to find employment and secure recognition of their international credentials.

The Government of Canada provides funding to the Association of Canadian Community Colleges’ Canadian Immigration Integration Project, which delivers overseas orientation services to prospective immigrants on a pilot basis. The sessions are funded by Human Resources and Social Development Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program.

Orientation sessions in India
In India, orientation sessions have been available in New Delhi since May and more than 300 potential immigrants have registered for services. To meet the demand, additional orientation sessions will be offered on a rotational basis in the states of Punjab and Gujarat, which are major immigrant source areas in India.

Orientation sessions in China
Orientation sessions in China have been offered in Guangzhou since January. Over 130 people have registered for services to date. Services will now be offered on a rotational basis in Beijing and Shanghai.

Orientation sessions in the Philippines
Orientation sessions have been offered in Manila since January and over 800 persons have registered for services.