Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


2007 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration

The 2007 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration announces the government’s immigration plan for 2008 and provides complete information on immigration activities for the calendar year 2006. The report also summarizes key activities undertaken in collaboration with the provinces and territories and provides a brief mid-year update for 2007. The report, which must be tabled by November 1 each year, is a requirement under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Outlined below are some of the report’s highlights related to the 2008 immigration plan; the 2006 immigration activities; 2007 activities to date; and federal-provincial-territorial collaboration.


The Immigration Plan for 2008

  • In 2008, the government plans to admit between 240,000 and 265,000 new permanent residents. The 2008 immigration levels are in line with a balanced immigration program that aims to meet Canada’s labour market needs while fostering family reunification and honouring the humanitarian principles of refugee protection.
  • Between 139,000 and 154,000 new permanent residents will be admitted in the Economic Class in 2008. To respond to labour market needs, growing admissions in the Provincial Nominee Program will be accommodated and a new avenue to immigration will be introduced, the Canadian Experience Class. To be implemented in 2008, this new stream will enable certain temporary foreign workers and international students with Canadian degrees and Canadian work experience to apply for permanent residency from within Canada.
  • Reuniting families is an important principle of Canada’s immigration policy and legislation. The 2008 levels plan upholds Canada’s support for family reunification by planning for between 68,000 and 71,000 admissions of spouses, partners, dependants, parents and grandparents in 2008.
  • Each year, Canada protects many thousands of people through the in-Canada refugee protection system and the resettlement of refugees selected abroad. The plan also maintains strong refugee admissions: between 26,000 and 31,800 permanent residents will be admitted in this category. Up to an additional 8,000 new permanent residents could also be accepted for humanitarian and compassionate reasons.

Immigration Highlights for Calendar Year 2006

  • In 2006, with its various partners both in Canada and overseas, Citizenship and Immigration Canada admitted 251,649 permanent residents and more than 1.2 million temporary residents.
  • Of the 251,649 new permanent residents admitted:
    • 138,257 were admitted under the economic class (54.9% of the total). This includes skilled workers, business immigrants, provincial nominees and live-in caregivers.
    • 70,506 were admitted under the family class (28.1% of the total).
    • 32,492 protected persons were admitted (12.9% of the total).
    • 10,223 were granted permanent resident status on humanitarian and compassionate grounds (4.1% of the total).
  • In addition to permanent residents, Canada’s immigration program also provides for the temporary entry of foreign workers, students and visitors. In 2006, about 1.2 million temporary permits and visas were issued. Specifically:
    • 112,658 temporary work permits were issued to foreign workers;
    • 61,703 new study permits were granted to international students;
    • 13,412 temporary resident permits were issued; and
    • 987,378 temporary visitor visas were issued.
  • In 2006, Canadian citizenship was also granted to 259,802 permanent residents who qualified to apply for citizenship after living in Canada for three years.

2007 Mid-Year Update

  • Between January and June 2007, 109,524 newcomers were admitted. Overall, Canada plans to admit between 240,000 and 265,000 new permanent residents in 2007. It is anticipated that final 2007 levels will be within the planned range.
  • The total number of newcomers admitted to Canada between January and June 2007 in the economic category is 59,248 (42% of the planned range). There were 31,860 people admitted to Canada in the family class during the same time period (47.5% of the planned range).
  • The Government of Canada also confirmed $1.3 billion in settlement funding over five years to help newcomers succeed.

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Collaboration

  • Two framework agreements relating to federal-provincial/territorial cooperation on immigration were signed in 2007. First-ever agreements were signed with Alberta in May and with Nova Scotia in September. Both of these agreements contain annexes that remove the limit on the number of immigrants that can be nominated through their provincial nominee programs to help meet the growing demand for labour. Both agreements also include the intention to develop annexes to facilitate the entry of temporary foreign workers.
  • As well, the federal government renewed a Provincial Nominee Program agreement with Newfoundland and Labrador. Signed in November 2006, this new agreement removed the limit on the number of provincial nominees.
  • Also, in November 2006, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario and the City of Toronto to help improve immigrant outcomes in areas such as, for example, access to employment, services and education and training opportunities. This agreement marks the first time municipal interests have been formally represented in immigration policy and program discussions.

For a copy of the annual report, visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s website.