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Home > Politics and Economy > Elections in Canada > Newfoundland and Labrador Elections

Newfoundland and Labrador Elections

"Governing Newfoundland is a form of licensed insanity," CBC's Rex Murphy once said. Premiers don't really govern, "they measure their stamina against the intractabilities of history, geography and the unemployment stats." Canada's newest province has only had a handful of leaders since joining Confederation in 1949. From firebrands like Joey Smallwood to measured – some say dull – diplomats like Roger Grimes, the people of Newfoundland and Labrador have chosen their premiers not by party but by personality and promises.

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Newfoundland and Labrador Elections

To sink the Liberal ship

Smallwood concedes, Conservatives win... we think

Peckford vs. the teachers

 To sink the Liberal ship

Two opposition candidates and a maverick from Labrador set out to end Joey Smallwood's 22-year reign. (TV; runs 16:18)

 Smallwood concedes, Conservatives win... we think

After months of confusion and legal challenges, the Smallwood era ends with a slim Tory victory. (Radio; runs 5:33)

 Peckford vs. the teachers

Conservative Brian Peckford seeks re-election but faces angry teachers at every turn. (TV; runs 5:13)

Liberal resurgence on the rock

'Perfume to the abattoir'

Tobin's triumph

 Liberal resurgence on the rock

After 17 years of Conservative rule, a Liberal majority is elected. But for leader Clyde Wells, it's a bittersweet victory. (TV; runs 2:54)

 'Perfume to the abattoir'

Clyde Wells brought a measure of respectability to Newfoundland politics. Rex Murphy says that's almost a miracle. (TV; runs 6:40)

 Tobin's triumph

Less than a month after stepping in as premier, Brian Tobin scores a resounding victory. (TV; runs 2:14)

Meet Premier Roger Grimes

Newfoundland and Labrador goes blue

The coronation of Danny Williams

 Meet Premier Roger Grimes

When Brian Tobin returns to federal politics Roger Grimes steps up to the plate. (Radio; runs 13:09)

 Newfoundland and Labrador goes blue

Danny Williams's Progressive Conservatives sweep to power, ending almost 15 years of Liberal rule. (TV; runs 2:38)

 The coronation of Danny Williams

Premier Williams rides a tidal wave of support to four more years at the helm. (TV; runs 12:47)


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