Newfoundland & Labrador Votes 2007 Headlines

Williams faces daunting task of managing expectations
Handed one of the most commanding mandates in Newfoundland and Labrador's history, Premier Danny Williams says he expects to face a cascade of requests for help during his second term.
Former minister calls Liberal collapse 'catastrophic'
Able to put their combined caucuses around a single card table, Newfoundland and Labrador's opposition parties are grappling with what life will be like in the shadow of a massive Tory majority.
Efford keeping keen eye on Liberal leadership
Former cabinet minister John Efford didn't hesitate Wednesday to indicate he is more than interested in taking over the reins of Newfoundland and Labrador's bedraggled Liberals.
Williams leads Tory landslide in N.L.
Danny Williams and his Progressive Conservatives were swept back into office Tuesday night by a massive lead over their political opponents.
Heartbreak for Liberals as Grit vote collapses
Newfoundland and Labrador's Liberals were overwhelmed Tuesday night, as a Tory wave of support claimed districts that had long been in the Grit camp.
Humber West voters love Williams
It was a slam dunk for Progressive Conservative Leader Danny Williams, who won his Humber West district with almost 90 per cent of the vote.
Liberal Leader Reid loses home district by 7 votes
In one of the most hotly contested races in Newfoundland and Labrador's election, Liberal Leader Gerry Reid was defeated by 7 votes in his home riding.
NDP Leader Michael alone again
NDP Leader Lorraine Michael reclaimed her St. John's-area district Tuesday, but once again she will be the only New Democrat in the house.
Tories defy energy critics in Labrador
Threats to unseat incumbent Tories in Labrador fell apart Tuesday night.
Metro St. John's still blue
Thirteen of the 14 districts in Metro St. John's are still Tory blue, with the NDP once again adding a dash of orange to the map.
Tories make historic breakthrough in Bellevue
Calvin Peach earned a place in the history books Tuesday night, becoming the first Progressive Conservative candidate to win an election in Bellevue district.
2 districts not contested in election
One district was acclaimed, one postponed in N.L. election.
14 cabinet ministers re-elected in N.L.
All of Danny Williams's 14 cabinet ministers running again in the N.L. general election have won back their seats.
Counting begins in N.L. election
Polls closed in the N.L. election Tuesday evening, as candidates awaited the public's word on whether the governing Tories will be granted a second term.
Williams woos Liberal strongholds as N.L. campaign winds down
Tory Leader Danny Williams took his campaign into western Newfoundland on Monday, as he attempted to persuade voters in another hard-core Liberal district to break with history.
St. John's Liberal hospitalized with blood clot
Newfoundland and Labrador's struggling Liberal party was presented another setback on the weekend, as a St. John's candidate was hospitalized with a blood clot.
Vote NDP to be heard, Michael tells Lab West rally
New Democratic Leader Lorraine Michael took her campaign to western Labrador Saturday, in a bid to take back a seat the party had represented until this winter.
PCs chalk up early victory as Liberal withdraws from election
Newfoundland and Labrador voters don't go to the polls until next Tuesday, but a Tory politician has already been declared elected.
Fight on for victory, Williams tells faithful
Danny Williams pumped up a Tory rally on Thursday night with a call to fight through the last days of Newfoundland and Labrador's election campaign.
Let energy anger rip at ballot box, Reid tells Labrador VideoAudio
Liberal Leader Gerry Reid encouraged Labrador residents Wednesday night to unleash their anger over a controversial energy plan when they vote.
Big ideas, tiny budget: NDP struggles to catch voters' eyes
NDP Leader Lorraine Michael took her campaign to central Newfoundland for the first time Thursday, as her campaign works with a shoestring budget.
Williams courts voters in Reid's district
Danny Williams took his campaign to the backyard of Newfoundland and Labrador's Liberal leader again on Wednesday, vowing to unseat Gerry Reid.
Williams dangles cabinet carrot to Torngat voters
PC Leader Danny Williams raised the possibility of appointing a fledgling candidate to cabinet while campaigning in northern Labrador on Tuesday.
Candidate's death shocks Liberal campaign
Newfoundland and Labrador's chief electoral officer has cancelled next week's vote in a central Newfoundland district following the sudden death of a candidate.
Jones scratches floor-crossing rumours
A Liberal politician running for re-election in southern Labrador has fired back at Progressive Conservative Leader Danny Williams for fanning a rumour that she plans to cross the floor.
Tories set sights on Liberal strongholds
The governing Progressive Conservatives have focused their final week in Newfoundland and Labrador's election campaign fighting on districts with Liberal incumbents.
Hole in slate won't sink campaign, Liberals say
Newfoundland and Labrador's Liberals are downplaying the fact they are heading into the Oct. 9 election with an incomplete slate.
Andersen lends profile to Liberal campaign in Torngat
In the northernmost district in Newfoundland and Labrador, a key element in the Oct. 9 election is the role of a former politician facing criminal charges.
Liberals fall short of full slate in N.L. election
With a former cabinet minister stepping into the ring, the Liberals are heading into the final stretch of Newfoundland and Labrador's election campaign with an incomplete slate.
Better times ahead, Williams promises Marystown
Danny Williams was thronged by hundreds of Marystown residents on Thursday night, as he vowed to halt an exodus of labour.
Hospitals 'not in a crisis,' Williams insists
Danny Williams was disturbed by what he saw at a hospital Wednesday, but insisted the health-care system is not in crisis.
Layton chides N.L. Tories on energy issues
Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton has joined calls to shut down a notorious source of pollution in eastern Newfoundland.
Parents take west-end school issue to campaign trail
Frustrated parents appealed Wednesday night to officials and campaigning politicians for a new high school in the west end of St. John's.
Founder of new party launches campaign ... with NDP
Just weeks after helping to found a new political party, a Conception Bay resident has declared himself as a New Democratic Party candidate in Newfoundland and Labrador's upcoming election.
Northern Peninsula towns in crisis, Liberal leader told
A day after condemning the governing Tories over their rural policies, Liberal Leader Gerry Reid took his election campaign to one of the province's most distressed regions.
Trust me again, Williams pleads with N.L. voters
Danny Williams promised Tuesday night to use Newfoundland and Labrador's oil-based wealth to raise the quality of life in his province and to improve key social programs.
Baby bonus part of a bigger population-growth plan: Williams
A controversial plan to pay new parents in Newfoundland and Labrador parents is being misinterpreted, according to Progressive Conservative Leader Danny Williams.
Tirade by typo: Grit caught in gaffe over minister's spending
A Liberal challenger apologized Tuesday after she launched a harsh attack over a Tory incumbent's spending, while getting the central facts wrong.
Most voters back free tuition: student-led poll
Most voters in Newfoundland and Labrador would like to see free tuition for university and college students, a newly released poll says.
Oil wealth will bring more crime, Williams tells police
A campaign stop at Royal Newfoundland Constabulary headquarters gave Danny Williams a platform Monday to highlight his crime-fighting strategy.
Williams dismisses anti-PC campaign in Labrador
Danny Williams says he is not worried about a Labrador party decision to withhold candidates in order to defeat two Tory incumbents.
Reid rings alarm for underfunded fire departments
Newfoundland and Labrador's volunteer fire departments are woefully resourced, Liberal Leader Gerry Reid says.
Health boards too big for public good, Reid says
Many of the key problems in Newfoundland and Labrador's health-care system are connected to a Tory decision to merge health authorities, Liberal Leader Gerry Reid says.
Labrador party stays on sidelines to defeat 2 Tories
The Labrador party has decided to not run candidates in two districts where Progressive Conservative incumbents may be defeated, the party's leader said Friday.
'Fuehrer' remark puts Liberals on defensive
A Liberal supporter at a rally in northeastern Newfoundland used the word fuehrer in a reference to Danny Williams on Thursday, prompting the party to move into damage control.
More tax cuts probable, Williams says
Danny Williams says a re-elected Progressive Conservative government will likely cut Newfoundland and Labrador's income taxes.
Unleash oil revenues for public good, Michael urges
The Newfoundland and Labrador government should spend oil-based surpluses immediately on social programs, says the leader of the New Democratic Party.
MDs put wait times, access before politicians
The leader of Newfoundland and Labrador's medical lobby says patients should ask politicians to prescribe some solutions on the campaign trail.
Boons, boondoggles seen in P.C. baby bonus pitch
A pledge to pay Newfoundland and Labrador parents to have babies will address — but not solve — the province's dropping population, an economist says.
Williams takes PC campaign to Reid's home turf VideoAudio
Danny Williams heard complaints about transportation and employment while campaigning in Gerry Reid's district.
Depots should stay open year-round, Reid says
The Liberals have made an election pledge to keep 13 highway depots in Newfoundland and Labrador open year-round.
Williams feels Labrador heat on energy issues
A campaign stop in Labrador on Tuesday put Progressive Conservative Leader Danny Williams on the defensive over his government's handling of energy issues.
Nurses grill health minister over job, wage woes
Newfoundland and Labrador nurses put the province's health minister on the hot seat at a forum Tuesday and then heard a promise that rewards are in the wings after years of tough contracts.
Tories offer baby bonus to turn around N.L. population
Newfoundland and Labrador's governing Progressive Conservatives are pledging to turn around the province's sagging population by cutting cheques to new parents.
Andersen fraud case set over to October
The case of the first politician charged in the legislative spending scandal was heard briefly in a St. John's court Tuesday.
Complacency bigger threat than Liberals, Williams tells PCs
Danny Williams kicked off a re-election campaign in Corner Brook on Monday night by telling supporters that huge leads in public opinion polls should not be taken for granted.
Liberals push hard to hold Bellevue, Port de Grave
Newfoundland and Labrador's Liberal leader canvassed Monday for support in two districts that have been traditional strongholds for the party.
Williams heads into N.L. campaign with commanding lead
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams launched a re-election campaign on Monday with a promise to make his province wealthy enough to aid other provinces.
Williams cleared in auditor's review of fibre optic deal VideoAudio
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams played no part in a controversial $15-million contract involving former business associates, says a review released Monday.
Booze, art and hockey tickets cited in N.L. audit
Newfoundland and Labrador politicians claimed alcohol, artwork, luxury goods and season passes for hockey games through their expense claims, a wide-ranging audit revealed Friday.
Writ to drop Monday for N.L. election, Williams confirms
Premier Danny Williams has confirmed he will on Monday call Newfoundland and Labrador's next election.
Teacher grabs Tory nod in St. John's East
A St. John's teacher has won the nomination for the governing Progressive Conservatives in a Tory stronghold.
Quiz candidates about health issues, cancer society suggests
The Canadian Cancer Society wants to turn cosmetic pesticides and a screening program for colorectal cancer into election issues.
N.L. picks up 5% stake in oil-field expansion
A day after releasing an ambitious energy blueprint, Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams announced the purchase of an equity stake in an offshore oil field's expansion.
Ownership stake key in new N.L. energy plan: Williams VideoAudio
The Newfoundland and Labrador government will demand a 10 per cent ownership stake in future energy deals, Premier Danny Williams said Tuesday.
Former PC leader Simms leaves housing agency
A former Tory leader in Newfoundland and Labrador has stepped down as head of the provincial government's public housing agency.
Leave cancer off campaign trail, Liberal candidate warns
A Liberal candidate in Newfoundland and Labrador's October election says her opponent is turning her health problems into an election issue.
Parents take protest over mouldy school to legislature
Burin Peninsula parents said a protest Monday over a mouldy school could lead to sparks in the upcoming election.
Byelection call made in name only for Baie Verte
Premier Danny Williams made a call on Monday for a byelection that is not expected to happen.
Former MHA Dumaresque wins Grit nod in Torngat Mountains
The president of Newfoundland and Labrador's Liberal party has won a nomination to represent Torngat Mountains.
Massive lead for Tories in N.L. pre-election poll VideoAudio
Danny Williams and his PCs hold an overwhelming lead leading into October's election, a new poll shows.
Think green, think small, Michael tells St. John's trade board
NDP leader Lorraine Michael told a St. John's business audience to use booming oil revenues to make spending choices that favour fairness and small communities.
No leader, no problem: Grassroots party launches before N.L. election
A new political party has been launched in Newfoundland and Labrador, but without a leader to take it into next month's general election.
'Weak' grid holding back wind energy: report
Newfoundland and Labrador has great potential for wind energy, but is hampered by its power grid, a confidential report says.
Tighter financial rules in place for election campaign
Stricter spending rules will be in place for the campaign leading up to this October's general election in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Won't 'line-up for Kool-Aid' on Hebron, Reid warns VideoAudio
Newfoundland and Labrador's opposition leader wants Premier Danny Williams to answer a host of questions about the pending deal to develop the Hebron megaproject.
New charges laid in N.L. spending scandal
Police laid criminal charges Tuesday against three of the key players in a scandal that has rocked N.L. politics for more than a year.
N.L. announces $16B Hebron oilfield deal
Newfoundland and Labrador and a consortium led by Chevron have made a multibillion-dollar deal on the Hebron offshore oilfield project, Premier Danny Williams said Wednesday.
Chief electoral officer alters N.L. special ballot rules
The chief electoral officer of Newfoundland and Labrador is changing the rules around special ballots to keep party workers at arm's-length from the electoral process.
Chief wants N.L. Mi'kmaq to vote as block
A Newfoundland Mi'kmaq chief wants to organize all the Mi'kmaq people in the province to vote together as a block in the upcoming provincial election, but his plan is getting some opposition.