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PETER HINTON - Artistic Director

Peter Hinton

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Listen to Peter Hinton give the season overview.

Welcome to the NAC English Theatre 07-08 Season. While this past year we presented a season of contemporary Canadian plays, the 07-08 Season looks to the classical repertoire and to some of the best stories ever told. This season, we are presenting two outstanding comedies that have been making people laugh for over three hundred years, two gripping tragedies that continue to fill us with shock and horror as freshly as they did in Shakespeare's time, and a spectacular retelling of one of the oldest epics ever recorded. Our season even includes a modern play or two that explore a classical theme, speaking to our world today through the events and people of long ago.

Imagine what it was like to meet William Shakespeare before he had written a word-to meet his wife, his family-his dog? Imagine what the first actresses on the English stage were like and what lives they led in the decadent decay of Restoration London? Have a beer with Falstaff, learn the secret language of a lady's fan, go skating on the frozen Thames, and be reminded that history is a living place and that every play was a new play-once.

"Imagine what it was like to meet William Shakespeare before he had written a word."

This season we continue to partner with some of the most exciting artists and theatre companies in Canada and, for the first time, with a distinguished company from "across the pond." We are so excited to bring the world renowned Royal Shakespeare Company to Ottawa, and to be creating our first show in association with them. Peter HintonThis new relationship is truly a sign of changing times. We are proud to coproduce once more with Edmonton's Citadel Theatre, and with Toronto's much loved Soulpepper ensemble. We welcome a new partner, Pleiades Theatre, a company devoted to plays in translation. And perhaps most importantly, we honour the history of Canadian theatre by working with two companies celebrating benchmark anniversaries: The Manitoba Theatre Centre celebrates its 50th this season, and Native Earth Performing Arts, its 25th. Lastly, we honour our NAC past by welcoming back JohnWood, former Artistic Director of English Theatre from 1977-84. Some things come full circle.

I hope you will enjoy the plays, be reminded of where we've been, and excited by the possibility of what lies ahead.

Peter Hinton

Photo: Laird Mackintosh



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