Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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  • Breadcrumb trail
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    Home > Publications > Guidelines > Guideline 2


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Searching can be as simple as entering a term or phrase on our search form.

However, if you require more precise search results, consult our search tips page.


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If you still cannot find what you want, email us or use our Contact Us page.


About the ASX file format

To view a Microsoft Windows Media Player (ASX) file you must have an ASX player installed. If you do not already have such a player, one can be downloaded from the following link:

About the MOV file format

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About the PDF file format

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Alternatively, you can have a PDF file converted to HTML or ASCII text by using one of the conversion services offered by Adobe.

About the RTF file format

To view a RTF file, use the document conversion features available in most word processing software, or use a file viewer capable of reading RTF.

About the TXT file format

To view a TXT file, use the document conversion features available in most word processing software, or use a file viewer capable of reading TXT.

About the XLS file format

To view a Microsoft Office Excel (XLS) file you must have an XLS reader installed. If you do not already have such a reader, one can be downloaded from the following link:


Accessibility features

In order to make this site more accessible, FINTRAC has employed templates which use a tableless layout, are properly marked up with headings, allow visitors to configure visual elements to meet their accessibility needs, use scalable fonts and provide printer-friendly functionality.

While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accessibility of this site, some content or services found here might be inaccessible to some visitors. In those circumstances, information for assistance has been provided.

Client-side CSS file

A client-side cascading style sheet (CSS) file is available for download to enhance the accessibility of Web pages on this Web site.

Configuring your browser to use client-side CSS
Internet Explorer for Windows
  1. Select “Internet Options…” in the “Tools” menu.
  2. Select the “Accessibility…” button.
  3. Check the “Format documents using my style sheet” box.
  4. Use the “Browse…” button to select your client-side CSS file.
  5. Confirm the changes by using the “OK” button.
Internet Explorer for Mac
  1. Select “Preferences…” in the “Explorer” menu.
  2. Select the “Web Content” section under the “Web Browser” list item (expand the “Web Browser” list item as necessary).
  3. Check the “Show style sheets” and “Use my style sheet” boxes.
  4. Use the “Select Style Sheet…” button to select your client-side CSS file.
  5. Confirm the changes by using the “OK” button.
Mozilla Firefox, Netscape (6.0 and later) and Mozilla
  1. Rename your client-side CSS file to “userContent.css”.
  2. Copy the file to the “chrome” sub-folder in your browser profile folder. Instructions for finding your profile folder ( The “chrome” sub-folder should contain the files “userContent-example.css” and “userChrome-example.css”.
  3. Restart the browser.
Opera 8 and later
  1. Select “Preferences…” in the “Tools” menu.
  2. Select the “Advanced” tab.
  3. Select the “Content” option in the list.
  4. Select the “Style options…” button.
  5. Use the “Choose…” button to select your client-side CSS file.
  6. Confirm the changes by using the “OK” button.
Opera 7
  1. Select “Preferences…” in the “File” menu.
  2. Select “Page Style”.
  3. Use the “Choose…” button to select your client-side CSS file.
  4. Confirm the changes by using the “OK” button.
  1. Select “Preferences” in the “Safari” menu.
  2. Select “Advanced”.
  3. Use the “Other” button to select your client-side CSS file.
  4. Confirm the changes by using the “OK” button.