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Story source tips

  • The best way to find a story is to go there. Spend time in a place and see it with your own eyes. Follow a lead and see where it goes. Listen to a hunch. Join in a local event or happening. Take part in an activity.
  • Talk to the locals. Ask questions. Listen. If they invite you over, go. Try to blend in.
  • Surf the web. Read blogs. Join an online forum.
  • Talk to the pros and get their views.
  • Network. Get off your chair and away from your desk. Shake hands, attend events and pass around your card. Let people know the kinds of stories you cover and they may get back to you with a good lead one day.
  • Work the phone. Put in the time, make the calls and see what you find.
  • Read. Read periodicals, newspapers, web news, books and flyers. Follow what piques your interest.
