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Writing tips for authors

  • Contextualize the story.
  • Avoid clichés: “state-of-the-art” or “world-class.”
  • Avoid hyperbole, puffery.
  • Pay special attention to key words for search engines if your work will be published on in electronic format.
  • Quotes add colour, but should advance the story.
  • Include direct URLs to websites.
  • Always review copy and spell-check before hitting the “send” button.
  • Shoot in Betacam format.
  • A good image is new and in some way unusual; it shows action the instant it happens.
  • Avoid empty spaces in news photos–the entire fram should contain useful information.
  • The digital format of choice is an 8 x 10, 300 dpi JPEG.
     * Source: Mark Hunter LaVigne, APR
  • Get to the point early.
  • Find an interesting angle.
  • Make sure your story contains real news.
  • Set the scene. Engage all five senses with your writing.

Writing in Canada

  • Writers can expect to earn beween 75-cents and $1.50 a word (newspapers pay substantially less than magazines).

  • Keep your story pitch short and concise. Put a detailed description in the “subject” line of your email. Grab the reader with the first sentence. Make sure it offers something new, interesting and fresh.

  • Magazines work four to six months in advance–some, even a year ahead. So in June, you might be pitching a Christmas story.
