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McKenzie, Michele, President and CEO

Travel and Hospitality Expenses Report
For:   Michele McKenzie, President and CEO
Date(s): Purpose: Total Cost:
January 14, 2005 Chair’s meeting follow-up – Toronto 64.92
January 15, 2005 Canada Trade Mission in China 10500.80
January 16, 2005 Hospitality meeting 123.21
January 22, 2005 Dinner 180.44
January 25, 2005 Hospitality meeting 41.37
January 28, 2005 Washington 1501.71
February 2, 2005 Meeting with Colette Vacations 1024.97
February 8, 2005 Human Resources Committee Meeting 402.63
February 8, 2005 Lunch 104.59
February 10, 2005 Local industry meeting 48.47
February 11, 2005 Brand Meeting –Toronto 780.25
February 15-16, 2005 Speaker – 13th Annual Conference Hotel Association of Canada 608.14
February 17, 2005 Greater Toronto Hotel Association Presentation 819.70
February 22, 2005 Hospitality meeting 14.40
February 23, 2005 Working lunch 56.46
February 24 – 27, 2005 Tourism Conference in Vancouver 2779.58
February 25, 2005 Hospitality lunch 40.92
March 3, 2005 Hospitality 54.91
March 3, 2005 Hospitality 73.89
March 8 – 15, 2005 ITB – Berlin – France 9796.97
March 9, 2005 Parking 7.50
March 23, 2005 Montreal 368.46
March 30, 2005 Whistler 3704.07
March 31, 2005 Event Debrief 93.46

TOTAL: $33,191.82

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose:Chair’s meeting in Toronto  
Dates: January 14, 2005  
Location: Toronto  
TOTAL: $ 64.92

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: Canada Trade Mission in China  
Dates: January 14 – 23, 2005  
Destination: Toronto – Shanghai  
Air Fare: 7028.72
Other transportation: 90.53
Accommodation: 2495.27
Meals and incidentals: 886.28
TOTAL: $10500.80

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: hospitality meeting  
Date(s): January 16, 2005  
Location : Shanghai  
TOTAL: $123.21

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Dinner  
Date(s): January 22, 2005  
Location : Shanghai  
TOTAL: $180.44

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Hospitality lunch  
Date(s): January 25, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $ 41.37

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: 2nd Annual Women’s Executive Leadership  
Dates: January 28, 2005  
Destination: Washington  
Air Fare: 1,360.98
Other transportation: 140.73
Meals and incidentals:  
TOTAL: $1,501.71

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: Meeting with Colette Vacations  
Dates: February 2, 2005  
Destination: Providence  
Air Fare: 944.97
Other transportation: 80.00
Meals and incidentals  
TOTAL: $1024.97

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: Human Resources Committee Meeting – Corporate GovernanceCommittee Meeting  
Dates: February 8, 2005  
Destination: Toronto  
Air Fare: 269.13
Other transportation: 80.00
Meals and incidentals:  
Other: 53.50
TOTAL: $402.63

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Lunch meeting  
Date(s): February 8, 2005  
Location: Toronto  
TOTAL: $104.59

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Lunch meeting  
Date(s): February 10, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $48.47

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: CTC Brand Advisory Committee Meeting  
Dates: February 11, 2005  
Destination: Toronto  
Air Fare: 688.25
Other transportation: 92.00
Meals and incidentals:  
TOTAL: $780.25

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: Speaker at the 13th Annual Conference of the Hotel Association of Canada  
Dates: February 15 – 16, 2005  
Destination: Toronto  
Air Fare: 271.99
Other transportation: 122.00
Accommodation: 136.85
Meals and incidentals: 35.20
Other: 42.10
TOTAL: $608.14

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: Greater Toronto Hotel Association Presentation  
Dates: February 17, 2005  
Destination: Toronto  
Air Fare: 688.25
Other transportation: 125.00
Meals and incidentals: 6.45
TOTAL: $819.70

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Hospitality meeting – re Europe activities  
Date(s): February 22, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $14.40

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Working lunch – post board  
Date(s): February 23, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $56.46

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: Attend Tourism Conference in Vancouver  
Dates: February 24 – 27, 2005  
Destination: Vancouver  
Air Fare: 2,117.77
Other transportation: 53.00
Accommodation: 403.85
Meals and incidentals 41.68
Other: 163.28
TOTAL: $2779.58

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Hospitality Meeting  
Date(s): February 25, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $40.92

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Hospitality  
Date(s): March 3, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $54.91

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: hospitality  
Date(s): March 3, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $73.89

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: ITB Berlin and meeting in Paris  
Dates: March 8 – 15, 2005  
Destination: Berlin – Paris  
Air Fare: 7,248.75
Other transportation: 138.98
Accommodation: 1855.60
Meals and incidentals: 517.64
Other: 2 calls 35.48
TOTAL: $9796.97

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Parking  
Date(s): March 9, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $7.50

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: Meeting with C. Cahill and Charles Lapointe  
Dates: March 23, 2005  
Destination: Montreal  
Air Fare: 230.81
Other transportation: train 101.65
Meals and incidentals:  
Other 36.00
TOTAL: $368.46

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Purpose: Attending Press Conference in B.C.  
Dates: March 30, 2005  
Destination: Whistler  
Air Fare: 3,299.17
Other transportation: 30.00
Accommodation: 331.11
Meals and incidentals: 43.79
TOTAL: $3704.07

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie  
Event Description: Event Debrief  
Date(s): March 31, 2005  
Location: Ottawa  
TOTAL: $93.46