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McKenzie, Michele, President and CEO

Travel and Hospitality Expenses Report
For: Michele McKenzie, President and CEO
Date(s): Summary Total Cost:
January 17, 2006 First Visit to CTC Vancouver – Honourable Charles Lapointe Introduction to Vice Presidents and CTC Vancouver Staff. $ 459.57
January 19, 2006 Lunch Meeting with Yvonne Van Dither to discuss DDB 2006 Events 52.97
January 21 – 26, 2006 10th Canada & Japan Tourism Conference 8,056.96
January 26 – 28, 2006 Visit to CTC Ottawa Office – to discuss Ottawa Office plans 1,699.30
January 28 – 31, 2006 White Point Tourism Conference 1,828.22
January 31 – February 03, 2006 Executive Committee Meeting + US Study CTC Industry Meeting 2,044.73
February 16, 2006 Council of Tourism Associations of BC (COTA) CTC Brand Presentation 2,007.85
February 20, 2006 Working Lunch with Randy Williams (TIAC) + Andrew Clark (CTC – VP Sales) + Michele McKenzie (President & CEO) 83.17
February 25 – March 01, 2006 Olympic Observer Programme – Turin, Italy 2006 11,598.96
March 02, 2006 CTC Board Membership Meeting 45.00
March 08, 2006 Meeting with Doramy Ehling (Olympic Secretariat) to discuss CTC participation at Turin Olympics 2006 49.16
March 22 – 23, 2006 Victoria Island – Port Hardy & Nimmo Bay – Orientation Meeting 531.21
March 28, 2006 Working Lunch to discuss CTC Contract Renewal – for Tom Penney – VP Special Initiatives 58.79
TOTAL: $ 28,515.89

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: First Visit to CTC Vancouver – Honourable Charles Lapointe Introduction to Vice Presidents and CTC Vancouver Staff
Date: January 17, 2006
Location: Wedgwood Hotel – Vancouver, BC
TOTAL: $ 459.57

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Lunch Meeting with Yvonne Van Dither to discuss DDB 2006 Events
Date: January 19, 2006
Location : North Vancouver
TOTAL: $ 52.97

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: 10th Canada & Japan Tourism Conference
Dates: January 21 – 26, 2006
Destination: Nagoya, Aichi Japan
Air Fare: (Vancouver – Osaka – Return) 6744.04
Other transportation: (Nagoya – Tokyo) 159.44
Hospitality: Dinner meeting to discuss CTC future involvement with Japan 200.21
Meals and incidentals: 944.77
Other: Currency Conversion 8.50
TOTAL: $ 8,056.96

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Visit to CTC Ottawa Office – to discuss Ottawa Office plans
Dates: January 26 – 28, 2006
Destination: Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Air Fare: (Vancouver – Ottawa – portion of continuing flight to other cities) 1125.75
Hotel: 349.60
Meals and incidentals: 223.95
TOTAL: $ 1,699.30

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: White Point Tourism Conference
Dates: January 28 – 31, 2006
Destination: White Point, Nova Scotia
Air Fare: (Leaving Ottawa – destination Halifax – return to Toronto – pro-rated) 1125.75
Other transportation: (Car Rental $348.20) + Gas (55.67) 403.87
Meals and incidentals: 298.60
TOTAL: $ 1,828.22

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Executive Committee Meeting + US Study CTC Industry Meeting
Dates: January 31 – February 03, 2006
Destination: Toronto, Ontario
Air Fare: Toronto to Vancouver 1125.75
Other transportation: (Taxi Airport/Return $102.00 + Taxi meeting/Return $ 19.00) 121.00
Hospitality: Working lunch/meeting to discuss US Study 45.63
Meals and incidentals: 227.95
Hotel: 524.40
TOTAL: $ 2,044.73

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Council of Tourism Associations of BC (COTA) CTC Brand Presentation
Dates: February 16, 2006
Destination: Penticton, BC
Air Fare: 1,858.20
Other transportation: 75.00
Meals and incidentals: 74.65
TOTAL: $ 2,007.85

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Working Lunch with Randy Williams (TIAC) + Andrew Clark (CTC – VP Sales) + Michele McKenzie (President & CEO)
Date: February 20, 2006
Location: Vancouver, BC
TOTAL: $ 83.17

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Olympic Observer Programme – Turin, Italy 2006
Dates: February 25 – March 01, 2006
Destination: Turin, Italy
Air Fare: (including land travel via bus between Turin & Milan + amendment fees) 7,536.05
Accommodation: Apartment Rental 1,600.00
Other Transportation: Taxi – To/From Residence + Olympic events 214.63
Meals & Incidentals: (International rate) 818.95
Currency Conversion Fee: (Canadian to Euro Exchange) 4.95
Other Expense: Official Woman’s Uniform – for Observer Program 464.38
Other Expense: Closing Ceremony ticket – for Michele McKenzie 960.00
TOTAL: $ 11,598.96

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: CTC Board Membership Meeting
Date: March 02, 2006
Location: Vancouver – after standard business hours meeting
Expense: (Taxi) Transportation from meeting to primary residence
TOTAL: $ 45.00

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Meeting with Doramy Ehling (Olympic Secretariat) to discuss CTC participation at Turin Olympics 2006
Date: March 08, 2006
Location: Vancouver, BC
TOTAL: $ 49.16

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Victoria Island – Port Hardy & Nimmo Bay – Orientation Meeting
Dates: March 22 – 23, 2006
Location: Port Hardy, Port Mc Neill
Meals & Incidentals: 116.15
Air Fare: 334.56
Hotel: 80.50
TOTAL: $ 531.21

Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Detailed Report
For: Michele McKenzie
Purpose: Working Lunch to discuss CTC Contract Renewal – for Tom Penney – VP Special Initiatives
Date: March 28, 2006
Location: Vancouver, BC
TOTAL: $ 58.79

