Environment Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Minister Baird Highlights Importance of Global Action on World Environment Day

OTTAWA, June 5, 2007- The Honourable John Baird, Minister of the Environment, issued a statement today to mark World Environment Day. This year World Environment Day coincides with theG-8 meeting in Heiligendamm, Germany, where Minister Baird is accompanying Prime Minister Stephen Harper in discussions on the global fight against climate change.

"World Environment Day is an opportunity to earnestly consider the global environment and what global action is necessary to address the world's number one environmental challenge - climate change."

"I am strongly encouraged by the tremendous commitment of our global leaders here to real change.  I am proud to demonstrate our commitment by bringing to the table our government's Turning the Corner Action Plan.  We are offering the Canadian approach to developing countries as a model they can follow in joining the international effort needed to bring about lasting and beneficial environmental results."

"Our Action Plan sets short, medium and long-term climate change objectives. We will cut greenhouse gases by 20% by 2020, with real reductions starting as early as 2010. It is a plan that is challenging, yet achievable.  It is also a plan that achieves real absolute reductions in greenhouse gases and positions Canada as a leader in the fight against climate change."

"Members of the G-8 are aware that only concrete actions taken on the part of all emitting countries will lead to a solution to the crucial issue of climate change."

World Environment Day was designated by the United Nations in 1972 to stimulate political action on the environment and empower people from every corner of the globe to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development.

For more information, please contact:

Eric Richer
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of the Environment
(819) 997-1441

Environment Canada
Media Relations
(819) 934-8008