Environment Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Ambrose Wants Realistic, Results-Oriented Approach to Climate Change

OTTAWA, May 11, 2006 - Environment Minister Rona Ambrose speaking today in the House of Commons outlined measures her department has taken and will take to deal with harmful emissions. "The record left by the Liberal government is shameful," said Minister Ambrose. "For all their talk of commitment to Kyoto goals in 2004, emissions are 35% above the Kyoto target negotiated on their watch."

The Government is turning a new leaf on the environment with a commitment to Canadians that money for the environment will be spent on the Canadian environment. "Our government has already taken measures that will deliver real environmental solutions and health benefits to Canadians," said Minister Ambrose.

She outlined the recent $1.7 billion investment in new cleaner transportation to get Canadians out of their cars and into public transit. The Minister also noted that the Government will work, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, to move forward on a 5% average renewable content in Canadian motor fuels. Increased use of renewable fuels will result in real, tangible benefits to the environment and economic benefits to the agricultural sector as well as others.

Other initiatives noted by the Minister include a review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Canada's most important piece of environmental policy - to find ways to strengthen it, and a commitment to review the Canada-US Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement which has not had a serious review since 1987.

"We have already done more to clean up our environment in 100 days than the Liberals did in 13 years. To reach the Kyoto targets set by the Liberals, Canada would have to shut down every car, truck, plane and train in Canada today," added Minister Ambrose.

Minister Ambrose outlined Canada's submissions to the United Nations (UN) on climate change which include:

  • Canada's 2004 greenhouse gas emissions;
  • A realistic, results-oriented and inclusive approach to international action on climate change;
  • Canada's input for global dialogue on future international cooperation on climate change.

" We will change how the government deals with environmental issues. We will be transparent and honest with Canadians on the challenges the Liberals have left us with. And, before we engage in future commitments internationally, we will clean up our own backyard. We are focusing on Canadian solutions that address Canada's environment," added the Minister.

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For further information, please contact:

Ryan Sparrow
Associate Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of the Environment
(819) 997-1441