Environment Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Frequently Asked Questions on Environment Week

Taking Action for our Environment

About E-Week

About E-Week

What Is Canadian Environment Week?

Environment Week is a week long series of events which encourage and celebrate grassroots action to make our environment cleaner and healthier.

What Is This Year's Theme?

Over the past three years, the theme for E-Week has been Taking Action for our Environment. E-Week is about celebrating the actions that we take to improve the environment. It is about using less – less electricity and  less water, to reduce waste and to make a real difference, one household at a time.

While small changes are something we can strive for everyday, Environment Week is a special opportunity to devote ourselves to environmental issues and activities which focus on the preservation, protection and restoration of our environment.

When Is It?

Every year, Canadian Environment Week takes place the first week of June to coincide with World Environment Day. This year, Environment Week is June 3-9 and World Environment Day is June 5.  We also celebrate two other important days during Environment Week: Clean Air Day on June 6 and Oceans Day on June 8.

What Is World Environment Day? 

World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 and is celebrated each year on June 5.  This day is one of the main ways the United Nations helps raise global awareness of environmental issues and encourages political attention and action.

The World Environment Day slogan selected for 2007 is Melting Ice – a Hot Topic? In support of International Polar Year, the theme focuses on the effects climate change is having on polar ecosystems and communities, and the related consequences around the world.

For ideas on how you can get involved in World Environment Day, visit The World Environment Day Alphabet - 77 Ways to Celebrate on the United Nation’s Environment Program’s (UNEP) website. Or, for more do’s and don’ts on caring for the environment, check out UNEP’s list.

What Is Clean Air Day?

Clean Air Day is a celebration of environmentally-friendly activities that promote clean air and good health across Canada. It is celebrated on the first Wednesday in June each year (June 6 this year) and has been since 1999. What a perfect time to make lifestyle changes that help reduce our environmental footprint.

What Is The Commuter Challenge?

The Commuter Challenge is a national transportation-based event in which individuals, organizations and communities compete to cut emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. Register on the Commuter Challenge website to track your kilometers traveled, and your emissions saved.

In 2006, nearly 40,000 people registered for the Commuter Challenge and over 3 ½ million sustainable kilometers were traveled.

Take the challenge this year by walking, cycling, taking transit, carpooling or tele-working, when commuting during Environment Week.  

What Is Oceans Day?

Oceans Day on June 8 is a time to remember the critical role of oceans worldwide. Celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, Oceans Day will kick off a week-long program of Rivers to Oceans, June 8-14. Oceans Day is also an ideal time to discover more about watersheds, those fresh water connections to Canada’s oceans. This international celebration has grown from a ripple into a tidal wave of awareness about the importance of our oceans and rivers. What a perfect time to visit local aquariums, zoos and museums, such as the Biosphère in Montreal, Quebec that has a special exhibit on water. 

Who Started Environment Week?

The idea for Environment Week emerged in 1970, when former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker (PM from 1957-1963) noted the “tremendous energy, enthusiasm and initiative” of young people concerned about pollution. Diefenbaker approached the House of Commons with the concept of setting one week a year aside to focus on environmental issues.

Later that same year, Tom Goode, a Member of Parliament from British Columbia, pursued Diefenbaker’s idea by introducing a bill to designate a “Canadian National Pollution Awareness Week”. The bill was passed by the House based on considerable support from the public and all political parties. Royal Assent was given in March 1971. To draw attention to all aspects of a healthy environment, the name “Canadian National Environment Week” was chosen.

We’ve been celebrating Canadian Environment Week for 36 years!

What Is There To Do During E-Week?

Every year there are hundreds of great activities across the country that Canadians can take part in.  To find out what’s happening in your community, visit our Community Action Board or contact your local organizations.  Can't find anything that interests you? Why not start up an activity yourself? 

I Would Like To Organize An Activity, Who Should I Contact?

First of all, have a look at our Community Action Board. You can get some great ideas of green events across the country. Contact the event organizer to get more details on how you can hold a similar event in your neighbourhood. What a great way to connect with others who share your passion for greening the planet. You can also contact an environmental non-government organization (ENGO), your local chamber of commerce, community groups and schools that could help you get started and participate in your event. Don’t forget to post your event on our Community Action Board to spread the word. 

Who Is Involved?

Everyone! In general, the Government of Canada promotes the week and encourages everyone to get involved. Environmental organizations also celebrate Canadian Environment Week by organizing events across Canada. Ultimately, it takes everyone getting involved to make E-Week a real success.  

What Resources Can I Use To Promote Environment Week?

You can help us make this Environment Week the most successful event yet!  Here are some resources that can help make Environment Week known throughout your community, province, country and world!

Need More Activity And Event Ideas?

There are many opportunities for you to celebrate our environment. Create your own unique activity or event. You can incorporate some new ideas below, and also consider coordinating your efforts with other environment partners in your area to share the workload and resources!

  • Have environment theme “paint-offs" and music from local artists to showcase works dealing with the environment
  • Host a kids’ arts & crafts contest using only recycled products, e.g., hanging mobile using blue box content.
  • Have a trash-free barbecue and invite guests to bring dinnerware (utensils) or use a Frisbee as a plate! It’s good for the environment and good for your health (running after it) afterwards!
  • Work with local educational facilities to sponsor nature walks or talks.  Don’t forget to pick up litter on your walk. If you happen to walk by a river or shoreline, help clean it up as part of Rivers to Ocean Week starting on Oceans Day June 8.
  • Host a short triathlon (walking, cycling, running) with E-Week themed prizes. Make sure to think green when putting your list of prizes together.
  • Get your local officials involved! Invite your mayor or other elected official to give a speech and attend your events. Invite the local radio station.
  • Invite local environmental organizations to set up booths at your event, school or workplace.
  • Encourage people to take the bus, carpool or ride their bikes to your event (and you too!) to stay active and keep the clean air.
  • Don’t forget to let us know what actions you are taking in your community this Environment Week!