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Food Fight: Local vs Global
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Food Fight: 100 Mile Diet Blog

Follow along as Ivor and Lona MacKay and their family adopt the 100-Mile Diet for a year. Find out what they're eating and what they're missing all year long.

'Tis the Season
December 14, 2007 | 02:03 PM

The potentially lean months of late winter/early spring aside, I would say the holiday season has proven to be the greatest challenge of all for me so far. From staff events to annual galas replete with laden buffet tables, to chocolates and baking guiltlessly consumed given "tis the season" -- I have declined -- either to attend or to eat while there. That is, until this past weekend...

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Approaching the Half-Way Mark
December 04, 2007 | 12:50 PM

It has been nearly six months since we started the 100-Mile-Diet. The routine around the diet has become much smoother. Cooking and baking times have become reduced, although we still need to plan well ahead, but that too has become more of a habit. My bread-making has become more consistent and the dinner ideas have become easier. I suspect that we started at the easiest part of the road, with the harder part yet to come -- January and February. We'll see...

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Local Dilemma
November 14, 2007 | 02:23 PM

One of the biggest challenges of doing the 100-Mile-Diet, which we've mentioned in previous entries, is the social aspect. It's amazing how integral eating and drinking are to "going out".

Recently, when asked to meet with some friends for lunch, I attempted to make it work by contacting a local restaurant to see if they could whip up something 100% local for me --I was even prepared to bring the ingredients over, especially the hard-to-get-a hold-of ones like salt. At the very least, allow me to bring in my own food so that I wouldn't have to watch my friends while they ate [I attempted this one lunch hour to celebrate a birthday with a group of my colleagues and was told by the server that it was against health regulations(?)].

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Community, Community and Community
October 30, 2007 | 03:05 PM

We apologize for the delay in this week's blog entry, which Ivor had been working on but was disrupted by a cold.

It takes community to make a Hundred-Mile Diet happen, and so far, so good.

When you live in the city, community is an odd thing. There are lots of communities, some more linked than others; some are spread across the whole city, while others are in a more tightly knit area. Often, the community shares the same space with others but does not seem to mix or blend.

Except when it comes to food.

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Autumn Preparations
October 17, 2007 | 05:30 PM

What a pleasant Autumn it is turning out to be! Our Thanksgiving feast was delicious. Ivor outdid himself. What with the gi-normous turkey and an oven that may have been acting up (and is now broken), we finally sat down to eat at around 10 p.m., but the wait was well worth it. The turkey (Greens, Eggs & Ham) was tender and succulent; the stuffing (with Ivor's homemade bread and Irvings Farm Fresh herbed ground pork) moist and savoury; the gravy a food group unto itself; tasty buttered mashed potatoes, hubbard squash & turnip; cranberry-apple sauce; washed down with enSante's Mellow Gold honey wine; and, for dessert, maple pumpkin pie with whipped cream infused with Lola Canola's saskatoon honey. And with leftover casserole the following day and turkey soup after that, it was very economical too!

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Food Fight
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About the 100 Mile Diet

The concept of the Hundred Mile Diet is to eat locally—to be a locavore. Wikipedia describes ‘locavore’ as a word first introduced on the occasion of World Environment Day 2005 to describe and promote the practice of eating a diet consisting of food harvested from within an area most commonly bound by a 100 mile radius. The word was created by a group of people from the San Francisco area who also took it as their group's namesake.

The MacKays are following in the footsteps of two early pioneers of this concept—Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon from Vancouver, British Columbia. They documented their 100-Mile Diet journey in 2005 in a book entitled The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating (Toronto: Random House Canada, April 2007).

The MacKays hope to show that a 100-Mile Diet is possible in a more northern climate, and that one can live quite well on the bounty close to home. The MacKays live in a four bedroom house just south of the University of Alberta not too far from the center of Edmonton. Ivor works in IT and Lona works for the provincial government. The family is in flux as their three children are at various stages of leaving home, finishing school and going into senior high.

Find out more on the Hundred Mile Diet.

Recent Columns
  • 'Tis the Season
  • Approaching the Half-Way Mark
  • Local Dilemma
  • Community, Community and Community
  • Autumn Preparations
  • Sous-chefs and Thanksgiving
  • Catching up & Catching Our Breath
  • Applesauce, Canning and Pork
  • Applesauce, Beans and Pears
  • Cinnamon Buns, Corn and Guinea Fowl Fricassee
  • Economist, Freezer and Bakery
  • We are Back, Loving it and Voltaire
  • Warm Weather, Yeast and Berries
  • To Drive or Not to Drive?
  • Some Positive Consequences of the 100 Mile Diet
  • Strawberries, Vinegar and Anniversaries
  • Reflections on the 100 Mile Diet
  • The Turkey Does Not Have To Be Cold!
  • Trying to Maintain a Balance
  • Home Cookin'
  • Finger Lickin' Good
  • Week Two: So Far, So Good
  • First Weekend: Shopping, Baking and Salt
  • Day Four: Making the Connection
  • Day Three: Just Ducky Thank You