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Bala, Nicholas. – Young offenders law. – Concord (Ontario), Irwin Publishing, 1997. – ISBN 1-55221-025-1.

Bala, Nicholas. – "What's wrong with YOA bashing? What's wrong with the YOA? : recognizing the limits of the law." – Canadian Journal of Criminology, Volume 36, Number 3, July 1994. – Pages 247–270.

Bala, Nicholas ; Kirvan, Mary-Anne. – "The statute : Its principles and provisions and their interpretation by the courts." – In : Leschied, Alan ; Jaffe, Peter ; Willis, Wayne, The Young Offenders Act : A Revolution in Canadian Juvenile Justice. – Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991. – ISBN 0-8020-2623-0. – Pages 71–113.

Ball, Caroline ; McCormac, Kevin ; Stone, Nigel. – Young Offenders : Law, Policy and Practice. – London, Sweet and Maxwell, 1995. – ISBN 0421-489405.

Beaulieu, Lucien. – Young Offender dispositions : perspectives on principles and practice. – Toronto, Wall and Emerson, 1989. – ISBN 0-921332-33-5.

Bennett, John. – Concerns about the Young Offenders Act. – Provincial Judges Journal (a publication of the Canadian Association of Provincial Court judges), Volume 8, Number 4, January 1985. – Pages 17–18.

British Columbia. – An Act for establishing a Juvenile Reformatory. – Statutes of British Columbia, 1889-1890. – Chapter 21.

Canada. – An Act respecting Arrest, Trial and Imprisonment of Youthful Offenders. – Statutes of Canada, volume 1, 1894. – Chapter 58.

Canada. – An Act to amend the Act respecting Procedure in Criminal Cases and other matters relating to Criminal Law. – Statutes of Canada, volume 1, 1875. – Chapter 43.

Canada. – Crime prevention in Canada : toward a national strategy. – Twelfth report of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General (Bob Horner, Chairman). – House of Commons, 1993.

Canada. – Department of Justice – A Strategy for the Renewal of Youth Justice. – Ottawa, Department of Justice, 1998.

Canada. – Department of Justice. – Juvenile Delinquency in Canada : The Report of the Department of Justice Committee on Juvenile Delinquency. – Ottawa, Queen's Printer, 1965.

Canada. – Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on Youth Justice. – A review of the Young Offenders Act and the Youth Justice System in Canada : report of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on Youth Justice. – Ottawa, The Task Force, 1996.

Canada. – House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. – Renewing Youth Justice, Thirteenth Report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs – Ottawa, House of Commons, 1997.

Canada. – Library of Parliament. – Summary of submissions made as part of the comprehensive review of the Young Offenders Act. – Prepared by Peter Niemczak for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. – House of Commons, 1996.

Canada. – National Crime Prevention Council. – Clear limits and real opportunities : the keys to preventing youth crime. – December 1995.

Canada. – National Crime Prevention Council. – Young people say : report from the youth consultation initiative. – Final report, January 1997.

Canada. – Renewing youth justice. – Thirteenth report of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General (Shaughnessy Cohen, Chairperson). – House of Commons, 1997.

Canada. – Report of the Royal Commission to investigate the penal system of Canada (Joseph Archambault, Chairman). – Ottawa, King's Printer, 1938.

Canada. – The Criminal Code, 1892, Statutes of Canada, 1892, volume 1 and 2, chapter 29.

Canada. – The Juvenile Delinquents Act, Statutes of Canada, 1908, chapter 40.

Canada. – Young Offenders Act, Revised Statutes 1985, chapter Y-1 (repealed).

Canada. – Youth Criminal Justice Act, Statutes of Canada, 2002, chapter 1.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B of the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.), 1982, chapter 11.

Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family. – Proceedings of the "Youth justice system conference" held in Ottawa 8–9 May 1998.

Carrigan, Owen. – Juvenile delinquency in Canada : a history. – Concord (Ontario), Irwin Publishing, 1998. – ISBN 0-7725-2502-1.

Carrigan, Owen. – Juvenile Delinquency and Its Treatment in Canada to 1908. – Paper prepared for the International Cooperation Group of the Department of Justice of Canada. – January 1999.

Corrado, Raymond ; Markwart, Alan. – The evolution and implementation of a new era of juvenile justice in Canada. – In : Corrado, Raymond ; Bala, Nicholas ; Linden, Rick ; Le Blanc, Marc, Juvenile justice in Canada : a theoretical and analytical assessment. – Toronto, Butterworths, 1992. – ISBN 0-409-88886-9. – Pages 137–227.

Corrado, Raymond ; Markwart, Alan. – The need to reform the YOA in response to violent young offenders : confusion, reality or myth? – Canadian Journal of Criminology, Volume 36, Number 3, July 1994, Pages 343–378.

Department of Justice of Canada. – Report of a Committee appointed to inquire into the principles and procedures followed in the Remission Service of the Department of Justice of Canada. – Ottawa, Queen's Printer, 1956.

Department of Justice of Canada. – Juvenile Delinquency in Canada : Report of the Department of Justice Committee on Juvenile Delinquency. – Ottawa, Queen's Printer, 1965.

Department of Justice of Canada. – The Criminal Law in Canadian Society (Le droit pénal dans la société canadienne). – Ottawa, Department of Supply and Services, 1982. – ISBN 0-662-12083-3.

Department of Justice of Canada. – Doob, Anthony ; Marinos, Voula ; Varma, Kimberly. – Youth crime and the youth justice system in Canada : a research perspective. – Working document prepared for the Department of Justice, 1995. – (Also published under the same title by the Centre of Criminology of the University of Toronto, 1995, ISBN 0-919584-80-2).

Hudson, Joe ; Hornick, Joseph ; Burrows, Barbara. – Justice and the young offender in Canada. – Toronto, Wall and Thompson, 1988. – ISBN 0-921332-07-6.

Hylton, John. – "Get tough or get smart? : options for Canada's youth justice system in the twenty-first century." – Canadian Journal of Criminology, Volume 36, Number 3, July 1994. – Pages 229–246.

Kaplan, Robert. – The Young Offenders Act : preparing for proclamation. – Provincial Judges Journal (a publication of the Canadian Association of Provincial Court judges), Volume 7, Number 1, March 1983. – Pages 25–27.

Kirvan, Mary-Anne. – The Canadian Legislative Response to Children Who Kill. – In : Cavadino, Paul, Children Who Kill. – Waterside Press, 1996. – ISBN 1-872-870-29-5.

Lachance, André. – "Women and crime in Canada in the early eighteenth century, 1712-1759". – In : R. C. Macleod (editor), Lawful Authority : Readings on the history of criminal justice in Canada. – Toronto, Copp, Clark, Pitman, 1988. – ISBN 0-7730-4681-X. – Pages 9–21.

Lazerges, Christine ; Balduyck, Jean-Pierre. – Réponses à la délinquance des mineurs : Rapport au Premier ministre. – Paris, La Documentation Française, 1998. – ISBN 2-11-004043-2.

Lithwick, Harvey ; Lithwick, Dahlia. – The Liberal Treatment of Violent Young Offenders. – In : Phillips, Susan, How Ottawa Spends 1995–96. – Ottawa, Carleton University Press, 1995. – ISBN 0-88629-263-8.

Marron, Kevin. – Apprenticed in crime : young offenders, the law, and crime in Canada. – Toronto, Seal Books, 1993. – ISBN 0-7704-2567-4.

Meloff, William ; Silverman, Robert. – "Canadian kids who kill." – Canadian Journal of Criminology, January 1992. – ISSN 0704-9722. – Pages 15–33.

Mewett, Alan. – An Introduction to the Criminal Process in Canada. – Third edition. – Scarborough, Carswell, 1996. – ISBN 0-459-55330-5.

Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada. – Young persons in conflict with the law : a report of the Solicitor General's Committee on proposals for new legislation to replace the Juvenile Delinquents Act. – Ottawa, Ministry of the Solicitor General, 1975.

Moyer, Sharon. – A profile of the juvenile justice system in Canada. – Report to the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on Youth Justice. – 1996.

Nasmith, Peter. – Paternalism circumscribed. – Provincial Judges Journal (a publication of the Canadian Association of Provincial Court judges), Volume 7, Number 2, June 1983. – Pages 16–20.

Ontario. – An Act respecting Industrial Schools. – Statutes of the Province of Ontario, 1874, chapter 29.

Ontario, Task Force on strict discipline for young offenders. – Recommendations from the Task force on strict discipline for young offenders to the Ontario Solicitor General and Minister of Correctional Services. – Toronto, 1996.

O'Reilly-Fleming, Thomas ; Clark, Barry. – Youth injustice : Canadian perspectives. – Toronto, Canadian Scholars' Press, 1993. – ISBN 1-55130-009-5.

Pearson, John. – Legal representation under the Young Offenders Act. – In : Leschied, Alan ; Jaffe, Peter ; Willis, Wayne, The Young Offenders Act : A Revolution in Canadian Juvenile Justice. – Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991. – ISBN 0-8020-2623-0. – Pages 114–127.

Pinchbeck, Ivy ; Hewitt, Margaret. – Children in English Society. – Volume 1. – Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1969. – ISBN 0-8020-1650-2.

Pinchbeck, Ivy ; Hewitt, Margaret. – Children in English Society. – Volume 2. – Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1973. – ISBN 0-8020-2103-4.

Platt, Priscilla. – Young Offenders Law in Canada. – Second edition. – Markham, Butterworths, 1995. – ISBN 0-433-39162-6.

Québec. – Groupe de travail sur l'évaluation de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse. – Plus qu'une loi : Rapport du Groupe de travail sur l'évaluation de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse (premier rapport Jasmin). – Québec, Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux et Ministère de la Justice, 1992. – ISBN 2-550-22818-9.

Québec. – Groupe de travail chargé d'étudier l'application de la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants au Québec. – Au nom... et au-delà de la loi : Rapport du Groupe de travail chargé d'étudier l'application de la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants au Québec (second rapport Jasmin). – Québec, Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de la Justice et Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, 1995. – ISBN 2-550-24018-9.

Reid-MacNevin, Susan. – "A theoretical understanding of current Canadian juvenile justice policy." – In : Leschied, Alan ; Jaffe, Peter ; Willis, Wayne, The Young Offenders Act : A Revolution in Canadian Juvenile Justice. – Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991. – ISBN 0-8020-2623-0. – Pages 17–36.

Schüler-Springorum, H. – L'évolution des systèmes de justice pénale. – Conseil de l'Europe, Cinquième conférence de politique criminelle, Strasbourg, 27-29 novembre 1995 – CDPC (95) 19.

Statistics Canada : Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. – Youth Court Statistics 1995-96 Highlights. – Juristat, Volume 17, Number 10.

The Queen v. Elan Andrew A. – Decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal, 13 July 1987. – Ontario Appeal Cases, Volume 22. – Fredericton, Maritime Law Book Limited. – Pages 83–84.

Thomson, G. M. – Commentary on the Young Offenders Act. – Provincial Judges Journal (a publication of the Canadian Association of Provincial Court judges), Volume 7, Number 2, June 1983. – Pages 27–29 and 34.

Tustin, Lee. – Caught in the Act : A user's guide to the youth justice system and Young Offenders Act. – Don Mills (Ontario), Addison-Wesley Publishers, 1994. – ISBN 0-201-55883-1.


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