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Highlights – August 2003

Global Reach: Canada-France Collaboration Focuses On Next-Generation Organic and Photonic Devices
NRC scientists in collaboration with researchers from France are working towards the creation of a post-silicon world for electronics and data transmission networks.
Learn more about this research partnership.

Technology Clusters: NRC Announces Opening of Halifax Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lab
NRC-IBD (Atlantic) researchers seen through the bore of the new magnet.A new state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research system was officially unveiled recently at the NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics (NRC-IBD) facility in Halifax, NS.
Read about the new MRI system that will improve the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases.  

Excellence in Research: WTC Disaster Shows Value of Evacuation Drills
Despite the tragic nature of the World Trade Center disaster, there was a silver lining: almost everyone who could escape the two doomed buildings did. Find out more about the value of emergency drills.  
Value for Canada: A Third Eye for Helicopter Pilots
HelicopterSince helicopters frequently perform search and rescue missions and emergency evacuations, they often face less than ideal flying conditions: snow, rain, wires, trees, and even hills can pose a serious risk. Learn more about a radar system being tested by NRC, specifically for helicopters.  

Outstanding People: Holmes Award
Dr. Alison Allan, 2003/2004 recipient of the prestigious H.L. Holmes Award for Post-Doctoral Studies, will receive a two year bursary for breast cancer research. Find out more about Dr. Allan, recipient of the Holmes Award

Date Published: 2003-08-01
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